Ancona ||
18 April 2013
Iniziative (EN) -
Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
Dearest Friends This is simply to inform you that the Marche Region will be hosting the project tomorrow. Attached, you’ll find a brief programme during which a very beautiful film will be projected: “Closed Sea” by Andrea Segre. Attached you will also find the text of the Rome Charter, a highly important code of ethics for journalists dealing with subjects linked to immigration and racism. There are still more stages to come, including Venice (5 days and a general meeting) and Naples (I need to know from Michele whether and what he can organize for the occasion. We’ll be in touch soon). At the same time, the process of bringing together the Mediterranean Laboratories in Lampedusa is advancing. We are taking bookings. Best wishes
Carlo Testini
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Closed Sea
Guidelines for the application of the Charter of Rome