Federation Anna Lindh Italia || Onlus


The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, not-for-profit, shares the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation: created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The Federation's objective is to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archaeology, environment, crafts, youth, women, human rights, migrants, crafts, employment, training, education, education, childhood, sports, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, empowerment, tradition, tourism, social solidarity, exchanges.
In particular, the Federation intends to implement initiatives in favour of young people, especially aimed at restoring their hope and confidence through the promotion of the "true",the "beautiful" and the "good”

Antonino Caponnetto Foundation joins to “RIDEItalian Network for Euro Mediterranean Dialogue”.
“It is an important moment- highlighted the president Salvatore Càlleri – because the legality is at the fundaments of civil coabitation in a multi etnich world and for this, alla base della coesistenza civile in un mondo multietnico e, per questo, costituisce la condizione preliminare per la costruzione duratura del dialogo e della pace.
We are pleased that Foreign Affairs Ministry Emma Bonino expressed his own congratulations for RIDE’s establishment and hoped that most important organs and institutions workinf in Italy could join to this initiative co established by Foreign Affairs Ministry: Caponnetto Foundation intended to accuel this invitation”.

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Michele Capasso, co-coordinator of the Italian Network ALF, attended the 41st meeting of the Board of Governors of the Anna Lindh Foundation, on behalf of the Italian Network , co- coordinators of Parallel and FISPMED and 43 of the Leaders of ALF Networks .

In his speech Capasso has exhibited the following topics:

  • Appeals for the tragedy of Lampedusa, as strongly requested by members of the Italian Network , which the ARCI.
  • Request to remove the financial mechanism of Step 6 and to confirm that used for Step 5.
  • Request to play in Italy , as is customary , the next meeting of the Leaders , the Board of Governors and Advisory Council ALF , on the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the EU ( July-December , 2014) and will be the last of a Mediterranean country until 2020.
  • Presentation of RIDE - Italian Network for the euro Mediterranean dialogue.

Instances have found the consent of the ALF and members of the board , with the support of Min.Pl. Granara - Italian member of the Board of Governors - and to ancient relations of esteem with other members of the Board.
The President Capasso has revived the appeal for Lampedusa worldwide on 8 July 2013, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Francesco


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After nearly ten years of activity, the Italian network of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures has been incorporated into a non-governmental organization for social activities (ONLUS – according to the Italian Law). Its charter was registered in the RIDE headquarters in Naples, by the Notary Public Iaccarino-Fasano.  The four founding parties signed the incorporation documents: Mr. Enrico Granara, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Michele Capasso, on behalf of the ‘Fondazione Mediterraneo’; Mr. Roberto Russo, on behalf of Fispmed ONLUS; and Mr. Marco Santangelo on behalf of the “Istituto Paralleli del Nord Ovest”.

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The Min. Pl. Enrico Granara , Coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean policies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presented the RIDE - Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, speaking at the II International Forum organized by “Rondine Città della della Pace” member of the Network
“A significant moment - said Granara - because this initiative is an important step in the attempt to find a common way to support the new course of the countries of the Southern Mediterranean through the overcoming of conflict and cooperation”.
Among the messages, what Ambassador Staffan de Mistura, former Under Secretary and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs , Special Envoy of the Government Letta for the case Marò in India, has given at young people of ‘Rondine Citta della Pace’ from the South Bank in connection with the Forum : “I’m happy to be part of this moment you are doing – says de Mistura greeting the young people - the French Revolution teaches that the results come after a long time, after moments of great confusion but are movements that change history irreversibly , as a breath of fresh air that enters a room displaces the stale air that was there before”.

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