Michele Capasso, co-coordinator of the Italian Network ALF, attended the 41st meeting of the Board of Governors of the Anna Lindh Foundation, on behalf of the Italian Network , co- coordinators of Parallel and FISPMED and 43 of the Leaders of ALF Networks .

In his speech Capasso has exhibited the following topics:

  • Appeals for the tragedy of Lampedusa, as strongly requested by members of the Italian Network , which the ARCI.
  • Request to remove the financial mechanism of Step 6 and to confirm that used for Step 5.
  • Request to play in Italy , as is customary , the next meeting of the Leaders , the Board of Governors and Advisory Council ALF , on the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the EU ( July-December , 2014) and will be the last of a Mediterranean country until 2020.
  • Presentation of RIDE - Italian Network for the euro Mediterranean dialogue.

Instances have found the consent of the ALF and members of the board , with the support of Min.Pl. Granara - Italian member of the Board of Governors - and to ancient relations of esteem with other members of the Board.
The President Capasso has revived the appeal for Lampedusa worldwide on 8 July 2013, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Francesco
