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"Community psychology and homelessnes in Italy and Naples" and Fondazione Mediterraneo have awarded the prize for Social Solidarity to Jose Ornelas for the "Housing First Europe" program.

Jose Ornelas warmly thanked the Fondazione Mediterraneo for the attribution of the prize and has accurately described the principles of this initiative and the organizational model.
The network of international experts and scholars ECPA (European Community Psychology Association), the SCRA (Society for Community Research and Action) EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Association), the FIO.psd (Italian Federation of Organizations for Persons without fixed residence) of Sipco, the RETLIS, (Association of  Rebirth Ethics and Transformation of Individual and Social Ties), the Community psychology lab of the University Federico II (www: Community, the Order of psychologists of the Campania Region have shared purpose of the prize awarded by the Mediterranean Foundation and took part in the promotion and dissemination of the event by posting numerous comments and congratulations to prof. José Ornelas.
Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo delivered with Caterina Arcidiacono the award to Jose Ornelas expressing their rejoicing even for the new and fruitful start of the Foundation's headquarters activities that have in the use of new multimedia technologies and ultra powerful new tool action to enhance dimensions of dialogue and communication aimed at overcoming prejudices and conflicts between groups, cultures, religions and countries.
To end homelessnessè a vision and a mission in which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is associated with all social actors united in the Housing first project.

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The President of the Abdulaziz Al Saud-Babtain Foundation, the poet Abdulaziz Al-Saud Babtain, received the Mediterranean Award from the Mediterranean Foundation at a charming ceremony held in Naples at the "Museum of Peace - MAMT"
On this occasion, Al-Babtain - after having heartily thanked Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari for the Award given to him - held a lecture on the importance of coexistence and communication between peoples: a mission that both the Mediterranean Foundation and Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation seek to establish, especially in this difficult time in the world in which the world is witness to bloody conflicts.
At the beginning of this year, the Fondazione Mediterraneo decided to award the prestigious recognition to Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain for the role and efforts in spreading the culture of peace by bringing together groups of intellectuals, statesmen and leaders all over the world.
The ceremony was attended by, among others, Vice-President of Kuwait National Assembly Mubarak Al-Khurainej, Kuwait Ambassador to Italy Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, Former Information Minister Sami Al- nisf as well as other guests including former Jordanian Prime Minister Taher Al-Masri, former Moroccan finance minister Mohamed Kabbaj, Dr. Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi and diplomat Abdulwahab Al -Babtain.
The delegation immediately before the ceremony was received at Palazzo San Giacomo by the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris.

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The "Mediterranean Prize for Culture 2015" was awarded to Prof. Khalid H. Al-Malik for the efforts made in favor of the Alliance between civilizations and peaceful coexistence among the different peoples of the world.
Khalid H. Al-Malik is the example of a great Arab tradition that associates the passion of journalism with the taste of the truth of the facts.
Al-Malik received the "Medal Award" from the Mediterranean Foundation at a spectacular ceremony held in Naples at the "Museum of Peace - MAMT".
On this occasion - after having thanked President Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari for the award given to him - he held a lecture on the importance of journalism's ethics in the present world.
The ceremony was attended by, among others, Vice-President of Kuwait National Assembly Mubarak Al-Khurainej, Kuwait Ambassador to Italy Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, Former Information Minister Sami Al- nisf as well as other guests including former Jordanian Prime Minister Taher Al-Masri, former Moroccan finance minister Mohamed Kabbaj, Dr. Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi and diplomat Abdulwahab Al -Babtain.
The delegation immediately before the ceremony was received at Palazzo San Giacomo by the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris.

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The Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, met the awardees of the "Mediterraneo Award 2015" in Palazzo San Giacomo, headquarters of the Municipality.
On this occasion, the participants - led by the President of the Mediterranean Foundation Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari and Jacopo Molinari - expressed their appreciation for the beauties of the city of Naples and wished for its concrete involvement in relations with the Arab cities of the Gulf: in particular, SE Al-Babtain and prof. Al-Malik assured their full support for the "Museum of Peace - MAMT" that the Foundation is completing in the heart of the city of Naples.
The ceremony was attended by SE Abdelaziz Al-Babtain, journalist Khalid Al-Malik, Vice-President of the Kuwait National Assembly, Mubarak Al-Khurainej, Kuwait Ambassador to Italy, Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, Former Information Minister Sami Al-nisf, former Jordanian Prime Minister Taher Al-Masri, former Moroccan finance minister Mohamed Kabbaj, Dr. Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi and diplomatic clerk Abdulwahab Al-Babtain.

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The "Silver Dolphin Medal Award" was attributed to Admiral Antoio Basile for the efforts made to protect human dignity and the sea resource.
"Thanks to his passion and unconventional talents of rigor, diplomacy and humanity - says the motivation - has succeeded in establishing a climate of cooperation and efficiency among all the men and women of the Corps of the Harbor Masterpieces - Coast Guard, achieving results particularly in a tragic moment in which trafficking in human beings and the continual deaths in the Mediterranean demand a constant effort and a persevering commitment to the entire Coast Guard Corps. "
On this occasion - after having thanked President Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari for the Prize awarded to him - Admiral Basile recalled the stages of his mission in Naples to the Command of the Harbor Master's Office.
The ceremony was attended by, among others, Vice-President of Kuwait National Assembly Mubarak Al-Khurainej, Kuwait Ambassador to Italy Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, Former Information Minister Sami Al- nisf as well as other guests including former Jordanian Prime Minister Taher Al-Masri, former Moroccan finance minister Mohamed Kabbaj, Dr. Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi and diplomat Abdulwahab Al -Babtain.
The delegation immediately before the ceremony was received at Palazzo San Giacomo by the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris.

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