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During a formal ceremony held in Marrakech the “Mediterranean Prize Culture 2015 for Poetry and Innovation”  was attributed to S.E. Dr. Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba who, very touched by the event, thanked the Foundation reading a poem written by him for the occasion.

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During a formal ceremony held in Marrakech the “Mediterranean Prize Culture 2015 for the Poem and Innovation” was attributed to S.E. Dr. Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba. Among the participants we can mention Mohamed Kabbaj, Abdelhak Azzouzi, Pia Molinari and Michele Capasso. Many of the participants, coming from all over the world, praised the Prize and its winner. Introduced by the Palestinian poet Khalil Ailabouni, the evening was particularly touching especially when Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba thanked reading a poem written by him especially for the occasion.

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The International Juries of Fondazione Mediterraneo dedicated the edition 2015 of "Mediterranean Award" to Arabic personalities, coming from Gulf countries.


Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy"
to SAR Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud
President of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, SAUDI ARABIA

For his efforts in reconciling peoples through the use of diplomacy and all acts of good will steering scientific production, enabling global fora and strategic studies reports disseminated and positively evaluated around the world, including the Mediterranean Region.
For his efforts in supporting the role of education as a fundamental element for the development of the Arab countries.
His remarkable commitment reflects his sincere desire to persevere in forging a true alliance of civilizations, in the name of cultural diversity, and the principle of otherness among peoples.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 12 September 2015

Mediterranean Award for "Culture" for Poetry and Innovation
S.E. Dr.
Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba
Former Ministry of Petroleum and Mining Resources of United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The Mediterranean Award for Poetry and Innovation was appointed to dr.Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba for his struggle for the alliance among civilizations and his respect for diversity and the pacific cohabitation among different populations. Mana Saeed Al Otaiba is an example of the real and ancient Arab-mediterranean tradition, which links the passion of literature to poetry and art.
During his career, dr Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba introduced innovation in his poetry.

Awarding Ceremony
Marrakech, 12 June 2015

Mediterranean Award for "Culture" - 2015
Abdulaziz Al-Saud Babtain
Presidente della Fondazione “Abdulaziz Al Saud-Babtain - Emirati Arabi Uniti

Il “Premio Mediterraneo per la Cultura 2015” è stato attribuito al prof. Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain per il ruolo e gli sforzi nella diffusione della cultura della pace, riunendo gruppi di intellettuali, statisti e leader di tutto il mondo.


La Cerimonia di Assegnazione
Napoli, 21 ottobre 2015

Mediterranean Award for "Culture" - 2015
Khalid H. Al-Malik
Professore - Emirati Arabi Uniti

Il “Premio Mediterraneo per la Cultura 2015” è stato attribuito al prof. Khalid H. Al-Malik per gli sforzi compiuti in favore dell’Alleanza tra le civiltà e la coesistenza pacifica tra i diversi popoli del mondo.
Khalid H. Al-Malik è l’esempio d’una grande tradizione araba che associa la passione del giornalismo al gusto della verità dei fatti.


La Cerimonia di Assegnazione
Napoli, 21 ottobre 2015

Mediterranean Award "Raffaele Capasso" for Legality
à  Paolo Borrometi
Journalist (AGI), ITALY

Paolo Borrometi, graduated in law, is journalist of Italian Journalistic Agency (AGI).
Due to his involvement against organized criminality Borrometi, is forced to live with body guards, after several threats.
He challenged mafia in a part of Sicily which was conceived as “happy Island”: the province of Ragusa. He established an independent press organ against all forms of organized criminality- - . He faced important cases which nobody before him tried to do such as Sicilian and Calabrian relationships.
For this reasons he received the “Mediterranean Award Raffaele Capasso for Legality 2015”

Awarding Ceremony
San Marino, 16 july 2015

Mediterranean Award for "Media"
to Al Arabiya


For having contributed through its world network – thanks to its channels in various languages – to disseminating news of the most significant events in the EuroMediterranean region. News summaries and rapid updates have played an essential role in witnessing important events, particularly those concerning the “Arab Spring”.

Awarding Ceremony

Mediterranean Award for "Peace-Keeper”
to Giuseppe Cannarile
Chief of Lampedusa Coast Guard, ITALY

For the involvement in the rescue of human beings and the helping to migrants running away from wars and famine in search of dignity and freedom.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 21 march 2015
Euromed Award a Capoeira 4 Refugees
Gran Bretagna - Regno Unito

Capoeira 4 Refugees (C4R) è un’associazione registrata nel Regno Unito con progetti in corso in Siria, Palestina e Jordan. C4R utilizza l’arte “capoeira” (nata in Brasile) - costituita da musica, sport e gioco - per rafforzare le comunità fratturate e spezzate dalla guerra e costrette a fuggire dalle loro case. I suoi programmi promuovono il dialogo interculturale, la tolleranza, il rispetto e la solidarietà.

Awarding Ceremony
Bruxelles, 19 Novembre 2015

During a meeting between archaeologist  Fedora Filippi – Special Superintendent for Archaeological Treasures of Rome –and president Michele Capasso it has been decided to install at MAMT museum a multimedia space on Domus Aurea”, in order to spread the importance of the work site and evolution of this extraordinary archaeological site.

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