Complete Lest || of events

The assessor of the culture department of municipality of Naples, dott. Gaetano Daniele, gave to Renato Ongania, general manager of Italian representative office of  “Friends of L. Ronn Hubbard”  International Foundation, located in Los Angeles, the “ Mediterranian Award for Poetry”  for the contribution offert to the arts and, especially, to the Poetry for the promotion of a culture of peace.
The attendees signed the “ Declaration of Peace” (lyric by Hubbard).

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Mother Yvonne Reungoat general Superior of the institute Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – Salesians of  Don Bosco, received the “Mediterranean Award for Peace”, consisting in the work of the sculptor Mario Molinari Totem of Peace”, during a ceremony held at “ Museum of Peace – MAMT”: the prize is considered among the most important internationally, the prize of “ Fondazione Mediterraneo”  has been awarded in previous editions to influential personality as much as King Juan Carlos of Spain, King Hussein of Jordan, the presidents Anibal Cavaco Silva and Abu Mazen, Leah Rabin, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, Nobel Prizes Shirine Ebadi and Naguib Mahfouz,  Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, and others.
On this occasion, international juries also awarded the title "Ambassador of the United States of the World".
The prize has been delivered by President Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari and the delegate of migrants Fallou.
In the reasons we can read:
“For the activities in favor of Peace and Concord among the Populations of the world conducted to the guide of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice ( FMA), especially where raging war and poverty. Exactly in these places, often, FMA rapresent the only anchor for men and women of different faiths. Mother Yvonne Reungoat thanks to her missionary experience, in the poorer places of African continent, is aware of the joy and simplicity in helping others and in feeling “ Family”. A  place where, thank to the charisma of Don Bosco and to the model of Mother Mazzarello, is possible , everyday, give space to that “ Creativity of Love” which represent the instrument of salesian charisma; with humility and complicity and the hope in  youth, authors of our future.”

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The ceremony for the award of the "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR WOMEN 2017" was awarded in Naples to Ms. Fouzia Assouli, President of the "Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation" and women's rights activist.
The award was given by President Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari, Esther Fouchier and the head of the national networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Fouzia Assouli thanked the Fondazione Mediterraneo for this prestigious acknowledgment.

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INTERMEDITERRANEAN COMMISSION (CIM) of the CPMR (CONFERENCE OF THE MARITIME PERIFERIC REGIONS) has been awarded the "Mediterranean Award for Institutions 2017".
The prize was presented at the IMC General Assembly and shared with President Apostolos Katsipras and presidents and delegates from the 60 participating regions.
President Katsipras said:"This is a moment of great chorality that fills us with pride and responsibility at the same time: we must be proud and know how to deserve this recognition (among the most important with the Nobel Prize) and restore to our Regions the role of catalysts of social justice and solidarity".

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, inaugurated the State of Palestine Embassy to the Holy See.
Abu Mazen met Pope Francis in the Vatican prior to the opening of the diplomatic headquarters in Via di Porta Angelica: during the conversation he handed over a stone from Mount Golgotha among the various gifts. The Pope instead presented the Palestinian President with the medal of the Jubilee year and an Arabic version of "Amoris laetitia" and "Laudato sii".

The opening of the Palestinian Embassy to the Holy See, Abbas declared,"is the sign that the Pope loves the Palestinian people and peace".
The Vatican State recognised the State of Palestine about a year and a half ago.
At the end of the meeting, Abu Mazen said:"I hope that other states will take an example from the Holy See".
Satisfaction and emotion expressed the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, who recalled the meeting with President Abu Mazen at the Foundation's headquarters, during which the rapid recognition of Palestine as a "State" was hoped for, starting from the Holy See.
“A dream that has come true,"said Capasso," thanks to the "vision" of Pope Francis.

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