Complete Lest || of events

After a few hours from the concert at the San Paolo "PINO É", friends, fans and students have visited the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT plunging into a sea of emotions.
Among the many, his daughter Cristina.

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A few hours after the concert at the San Paolo "PINO E'", friends, fans and students have visited the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT plunging into a sea of emotions.
Among the many, Coco Bucci, a music producer who came from Chicago who is moved reminding the fraternal friend Pino: he takes his leave by thanking President Capasso and the Fondazione Mediterraneo for having wanted to ensure "the continuity of having Pino always with us".

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During a ceremony held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT, international juries awarded Ornella Vanoni the "Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity 2018".
Present at the ceremony ministers, ambassadors and representatives of international institutions.
Ornella Vanoni thanked the juries for this important recognition that honors her and expressed her sincere appreciation for the Fondazione Mediterraneo, for United States of the World and for the President Michele Capasso, author of the documentary "OrnellaVanoni: little enough" projected before the awarding of the Prize, present - among others - the Minister Dario Franceschini and the Naples Police Chief Antonio De Iesu.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded.

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It is the docufilm, the emotional video created by Michele Capasso on the occasion of the "MEDITERRANEAN 2018 AWARD" awarded to Ornella Vanoni.
It is a synthesis of the artist's path leading the Italian song with some moments of the visit to the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the Mediterranean Award ceremony, received together with Minister Franceschini and the Questore De Iesu on May 14, 2018 in Naples

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