Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museo della Pace – MAMT hosted and co-organized the EUROPEAN NIGHT OF GEOGRAPHY: an event that took place in various cities in Italy and Europe.
On this occasion the Multidisciplinary Colloquium was held, entitled "EUROPE, MEDITERRANEAN, WORLD - Geography in motion" with various interventions (see attached press release - program).
On this occasion Eugenia FERRAGINA was remembered one year after her death.
Event organization:
René G. Maury and Pasquale Gallifuoco, University “L’Orientale”;
Maria Ronza ("Federico II" University ); Silvia Siniscalchi (University of Salerno)
Michele Capasso, Fondazione Mediterraneo - Museo della Pace MAMT.

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The Peace Museum - MAMT has hosted a conference of the Christian Workers Movement on the theme "Yes to Europe, to do it".
Domenico Delle Foglie has moderated the debate.
Among the presentations are those by Michele Cutolo, Michele Rosboch, Doriana Buonavita, Arturo de Vivo, Severino Nappi.
The meeting was attended by members of the Anna Lindh Italy Federation.

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