Complete Lest || of events

Pino Daniele's fan clubs visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT on the occasion of the double anniversary of the birthday and the name day of the deceased musician and the 25th anniversary of the death of Don Peppe Diana.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, many admirers have retraced the main stages of the life of Pino Daniele and Don Peppe Diana.
His daughter Cristina, his brother Carmine, the actor and friend Peppe Lanzetta, Valentina Zurzolo and many others are present.

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Israeli architect Yodan Rofè and Sicilian urban planner Marina Marino visited the Peace Museum welcomed by President Capasso.
Particular appreciation for the emotional videos on Israel and for the section dedicated to Don Peppe Diana and the legality, on the day when we remember the 25th anniversary of the barbarous murder of Don Diana.
The architect Yodan Rofè is the curator of a course of high specialization on beauty in architecture held at the Sant’Anna Institute in Sorrento.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT will hold a special opening on March 19, 2019 with guided tours of the section dedicated to Don Peppe Diana on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death.
Between ten and twelve thousand people took part in Casal di Principe (Caserta) in the march organized by Agesci in memory of Don Peppe Diana, the priest killed by the Camorra on March 19, 1994. Don Peppe was a scout, and so on his death, every year, the scouts flock to Casal di Principe to renew the message of hope launched by the priest, who bravely challenged the Camorra when very few did so.
Of the 7000 participants were scouts from all over Italy; the other citizens of Casal di Principe. A march made up of songs and symbolic gestures, punctuated by three stages: the first in front of the house of mother Iolanda, the priest's mother, who, like every year, appeared on the balcony to greet the scouts; second stage outside the church of San Nicola di Bari, where Don Peppe was a parish priest and where he was killed 25 years ago. Last stop at the cemetery, where the priest is buried, and where the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, and the bishop of Aversa Angelo Spinillo celebrated Mass.
"It is a beautiful day today," says an enthusiastic Valerio Taglione, coordinator of the Don Diana Committee and a scout at rest - because the Agesci continues its pastoral mission in the name of Don Peppe. Seeing so many boys with a big scarf coming every year in Casal di Principe fills the heart with joy, and it is the sign of the enormous legacy left by Don Peppe ». "Don Diana was one of us - says Vincenzo Piccolo, president of the National Committee of Agesci - so being here every year is important". Present at the march were the national leaders of the Scout association and the Masci. 

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Following the meeting and the workshops held in Pollica (Salerno) on 17 September 2018, the project organizes the Living Labs, to work on the four themes identified by the stakeholders during the event.
Citizens, artists, researchers, technicians, companies and the public sector come together in each Living Lab to integrate their skills and knowledge, exploring ideas, tools and technologies that can address the issues raised. The final objective is to identify and co-design five pilot actions for the creation of innovative and creative companies.
The Living Lab "Tale of the DM" focused on the contribution of Cilento women to the development of innovation and creativity of traditional MD products.
The meeting was held Friday, March 15, in the Palazzo Di Lorenzo, Ceraso (Salerno).
The Campania Region Councilor Chiara Marciani, the general director for social policies Nadia Caragliano and the coordinator of the Carmela Cotrone project took part.
Michele Capasso - president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, associate partner of the project - underlined the importance of consolidating the results and making them lasting over time: to this end, he offered the site and multimedia equipment of the Peace Museum - MAMT to promote the Mediterranean Diet in all its aspects, in order to ensure a reference site at the international level.

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