Complete Lest || of events

Architects from India and the United States - accompanied by the Israeli architect Yodan Rofè, curator of a course of high specialization on beauty in architecture held at the Sant'Anna Institute of Sorrento - visited the Peace Museum - MAMT and, in particular, the section dedicated to Mario Molinari, sculptor of color.
In particular, the images and videos of the "House - Museum" of Turin have excited and involved the architects who appreciated the work of the sculptor Molinari to spread the art among the people.

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Architects from India and the United States - accompanied by the Israeli architect Yodan Rofè, curator of a course of high specialization on beauty in architecture held at the Istituto Sant’Anna in Sorrento - visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
In particular, the sections dedicated to Architecture, the Environment and to Raffaele Capasso have excited and involved the architects who appreciated the commitment to defend the earth and the environment.

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