Complete Lest || of events

The  Fondazione  Mediterraneo - already engaged in 2005 with initiatives in favor of Sri Lanka hit by the tsunami - expressed its closeness to the people of Sri Lanka hit by the vile terrorist attack that killed more than 320 people (including more than 40 children) and injured more than 500.
"Only by injecting the seeds for a true inter-religious dialogue since children can these tragedies be avoided", reads a statement from the Foundation's Board of Directors after a prayer in the Museum of Peace MAMT in suffrage of innocent victims.

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Also this year the Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated the EARTH DAY 2019.
At the Museum of Peace - MAMT, hundreds of visitors have watched videos of Earth and Earth Day throughout the day, celebrated in 193 United Nations countries by over one billion citizens through twenty-two thousand participating organizations each year.
"The most powerful tool to appeal to the protection of the planet in all cultures and for all generations" said President Michele Capasso, on the eve of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, which has always been at the forefront of environmental and climate issues.
On this occasion the book by Maria Pia Giudici "This is our good land", published by the Foundation, was presented.

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Students of the Institute of Higher Education "Europa Unita" of Chivasso visited the section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to Mario Molinari, the sculptor of color who created a monumental work in the square of Chivasso.
Students and teachers have retraced the life and works of the Turin sculptor: the "House-Museum" of Turin, the monumental works, the emotional videos, the “Totem for Peace”.
The conclusion of the visit was the choir "We want to live in color", before the Totem for Peace.

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Students of the Institute of Higher Education "Europa Unita" of Chivasso visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the emotional paths dedicated to Molinari the sculptor of color, Pino Daniele, Egypt, Turkey, ancient Crafts, the protagonists of History, the great Mediterranean religions.
At the end of the visit they expressed appreciation for a unique and extraordinary place.

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