Complete Lest || of events

The hundredth of anniversaries is dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of San Giovanni Palo II.
The anniversary coincides with the partial reopening of the Museum after the quarantine due to the covid 19 pandemic.
At 7 am, in full compliance with the security measures, some faithful and visitors followed the Holy Mass celebrated in high definition on the big screens by Pope Francis from the altar placed on the tomb of St. Giovanni Palo II.
In the homily, the Pope recalled three of the qualities of Giovanni Palo II: prayer, closeness and justice-mercy.
Many students connected on the museum's multimedia portal where - in the section "The great protagonists of history" - videos, images and documents on St. Giovanni Palo II are available.
The chapel dedicated to him in the museum collects finds, testimonies, interviews and curiosities.
On this occasion, the interviews and all the video material on the much loved Pope are repeated.
President Michele Capasso recalled the friendship between President Pertini and Pope Giovanni Palo II as well as the meetings he had at the beginning of the Foundation's activity.
There are also some letters sent to the Pope by members of the Foundation and, in particular, by the late president of the international committee Predrag

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The round table “Salvator Dalì and the cinema” organized by Phantasya Communication took place at the Peace Museum - MAMT.
Roberto Pantè, artistic director and head of international exhibitions on Salvator Dalì, exposed the relationship between the great artist and cinema throughout his life.
On the large video wall screens of the 5 floors of the Museum, in compliance with Covid 19 rules, there were connections with various countries dedicated to Salvator Dalì.

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"To You": it is the sweet morning caress of Pope Francis when he elevates the offering of Bread and Wine to the Father. With a sweet and severe tone at the same time, the Pope encapsulates in two words, in only two vowels and one consonant, the pain and hopes of the world. At the end of the celebration, Adoration to the Holy Father Sacrament of the Holy Father opens everyone's deepest reflections to adoring silence.
The Museum Of Peace - MAMT continues its activity remotely and on digital platforms offers all the Holy Masses and Homilies of the Holy Father: to "Do not forget" and to understand the greatness and humility of Pope Francis.
Note the Pope's Easter message addressed to Europe.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT celebrated the "50th World Earth Day" via the web and with numerous initiatives: video conferences, links, chats and - above all - sending 1,000 copies of the volume "This good land of ours" published in 2014 by the Foundation and written by Sister Maria Pia Giudici, disappeared on 20.02.2020 just on the day the coronavirus spread in Italy.
Through high-quality multimedia videos, a gift of the World Heritage Museum, it was possible to make a virtual journey across the 5 continents, giving voice to the peoples who daily guard our common home, living and fighting for the protection and recognition of rights of every people in every corner of the Earth.
In a world too often crushed by the European interpretation of the environment and its functions, the commitment of organizations and realities emerges which, by establishing positive relationships with nature, protect the original peoples who have always preserved the lung of the earth. They fight together with those who daily commit themselves to service and to promote conservation, of the Amazonian forests or of the Congo forest.
Taking care of these peoples means taking care of the entire ecosystem, of the world, of our common home.
The interrelation between the peoples of the earth is clear, the interdependence that makes us protagonists of a common destiny, which depends on the actions of men and women from every corner of the planet. With delicate ferocity, current events reveal the subtle but constant bond that makes us all part and architects of the future of our planet.
One people sharing one planet.
The virtual journey of the Museum of Peace - MAMT allows us to listen to those who daily protect the earth to protect each of us.
President Michele Capasso retraced the steps of his commitment to the land: at the age of 16, on April 22, 1970, he participated in the first edition of the world day. A commitment that for half a century has seen it spread, by all means, the alarm on the conditions of our common home, as evidenced by hundreds of reports and publications.
As I remember for Sister Maria Pia Giudici below the preface by the President Michele Capasso to the volume "This good land of ours"

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT, with its multimedia platforms, hosted the "International Sports Day for Development and Peace" which this year underlines the need to remain active despite the implementation of containment measures in many countries at the to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. It reminds us of the importance of values ​​such as solidarity, community and team spirit.
As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect more and more countries at an increasingly alarming rate, "social distancing" practices are becoming commonplace in an attempt to stem the spread of the virus. They have closed gyms, sports facilities and stadiums, public swimming pools, dance studios and playgrounds in many countries of the world, which means that many of us are no longer able to actively participate in individual or group sports or physical activities or to watch live sporting events. These new measures, although necessary, now represent significant challenges for the entire world sports community.
The "International Sports Day for Development and Peace" wants to encourage us this year to remain physically active despite the containment measures. This is an opportunity to remind us that we must not break off contact with our coaches, teammates or instructors, who can help us not only to stay in good physical shape, but also to maintain social ties.
The World Health Organization (WHO) typically recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of sustained physical activity per week or a combination of both. Given the current situation, the WHO has given some advice on how to do it even without equipment and in a limited space. There are also a multitude of free and accessible online tools designed to encourage people of all ages and physical abilities to stay active and mobile even at home!
"Sport has the power to change the world, bring people together in an almost unique way and create hope where there was only despair," said Nelson Mandela. It is not only a fundamental right, but also a powerful tool to strengthen social ties and promote peace, as well as solidarity and respect. Sport is also essential for sustainable development because it allows us to live a healthy life and promote the well-being of all, at all ages, as underlined by objective 3 of sustainable development "Good health and well-being", highlighted by the United Nations during the month of April.
However, sport can help us maintain good health even in this confinement period. Thanks to new technologies, our unique individual skills and our collective power, we can mobilize online, use our creativity to help us and share useful tips to improve our health and well-being, through sport and physical activity also from our homes .
Before, during and after April 6, International Sports Day for Development and Peace, we ask everyone to commit themselves to remain active despite the various restrictions in place and to show solidarity during this period. One of the things we learn most through sport is team play. We now have the opportunity and duty to put it into practice on a global scale, doing our part to stay healthy.
"Only together can we stop the spread of COVID-19" said President

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