Complete Lest || of events

The "Multimedia and Art" Workshop organized by Phantasya Communication was held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
On the large video wall screens of the 5 floors of the Museum, in compliance with Covid 19 rules, there were links with various countries on the subject of art and multimedia.

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Today the museum would have hosted the official meeting "The feeling is safe", on the occasion of the birthday-name of Pino Daniele.
Many activities planned with the "Pino Daniele Trust", postponed after the "Corona Virus" emergency.
Our thoughts go NOW to the victims and to those who are committed to saving lives.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT remains closed until April 3, 2020 as provided by the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 8, 2020 (art.2, paragraph "d").
The emotional pathways and most of the videos "The Campania of emotions" are available on the porta and on the "Youtube" channel of the Museum.

The Direction

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted on the multimedia platform the "World Nature Day" dedicated to the priceless value of wildlife.
The president Michele Capasso recalled, moved, the recent death of Sister Maria Pia Giudici and the volume published by the Foundation "This good land of ours".
Cpasso highlighted the uniqueness of the day of the disappearance - 20.02.2020, h.20 - and the coincidence with the beginning in Italy of the coronavirus infection.
"A warning to respect the earth, to protect it and to integrate with creation".
On this occasion, Michele Capasso's film “MARIA PIA GIUDICI. JOY IN A SIMPLE LIFE ": among the words of Sister Maria Pia the declamation of an ancient Arab proverb:
"On a black night, on a black stone, a black ant: God sees it."
Wild fauna and flora have an intrinsic value and contribute to human well-being and sustainable development, through many aspects: ecological, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational, aesthetic.
World Wildlife Day is an opportunity to celebrate the many beautiful and varied forms of wild flora and fauna and to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that its conservation brings to people. This day also reminds us of the urgent need to step up the fight against wildlife crime and the reduction in the number of species, which have a significant impact in economic, environmental and social terms. This is one of the objectives of sustainable development.
The 2020 theme, "Maintaining all forms of life on Earth", takes into account all the animal and plant species that make up biodiversity, as well as the livelihoods of human beings, especially those who live closest to nature. Stresses the importance of the sustainable use of natural resources to achieve the United Nations' sustainable development goals, including the oceans, land life, the fight against poverty and responsible consumption and production.
The Earth is home to countless species of flora and fauna - too many to try to count. We depend on the interaction between all these elements of the biosphere for all our needs: the air we breathe, the food we eat, the energy we use and the materials we need. However, unsustainable human activities and overexploitation of species and natural resources threaten global biodiversity. Almost a quarter of all species are currently at risk of disappearance in the coming decades.
During the year, considered decisive for biodiversity, numerous important world events will bring biodiversity to the fore. 2020 offers a unique opportunity to make transformative progress for the conservation and sustainable use of wild animal and plant species

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The presentation of the bookCargo amore mio: da Bonifacio a Buenos Aires” by Marie Ange Pugliesi, curated by Caterina Arcidiacono for Edizioni Melagrana (2019) took place at the Museum of Peace  - MAMT.
Marie Ange Pugliese's passion and competence of the sea is combined in volume with the desire to understand societies and their evolutions; crossing the seas of the globe on merchant ships, its intimate paths interrogate and reflect the great changes generated by the speed and gigantism of globalization.
Caterina Arcidiacono, Michele Capasso, Massimo Clemente, Luigi Maria Sicca, Paul Kyprianou, Roberto Malinconico.
The author with the prof. Paolo Valerio and Franco Rendano.

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