Complete Lest || of events

Visitors from various parts of Italy visited the Museum and, in particular, the paths dedicated to migrants expressing emotion for a unique and extraordinary place.

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General Maurizio Stefanizzi, Commander of the Carabinieri Legion of Campania, visited the United States of the World headquarters with the Museum of Peace.
Welcomed by the president Michele Capasso and the director Pia Molinari, he expressed his appreciation for the place and the activities carried out
On this occasion, certificates of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to young Carabinieri trainees.

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President Michele Capasso participated in the Ceremony of rotation of the Inter-regional Carabinieri Commander "Ogaden". General Adolfo Fischione will take over from the Army Corps General Vittorio Tomasone from February 3, 2020. General Tomasone leaves, after almost 50 years of military life, of which 21 months spent at the Command of the Interregional "Ogaden", active service in the weapon. At the rotation, in front of a training unit deployed in arms in the historic barracks "Salvo D'Acquisto", together with the flag of the war and the fanfare of the 10th Carabinieri Regiment "Campania", the Commander General of the Weapons attended, Army Corps General Giovanni Nistri, and numerous religious, civil and military authorities in the capital. There was also a large representation of Carabinieri from the territorial and specialized departments operating in the areas under the responsibility of the "Ogaden" Interregional, as well as delegates from the bodies of the Military Representation, orphans and family members of victims of duty, comrades on leave, fighting associations and weapon. In the hours preceding the ceremony, General Tomasone honored Vice Brigadier Salvo D’Acquisto, Gold Medal for Military Valor "in memory", by placing a flower cushion at the Hero's tomb in the Basilica of Santa Chiara. During the farewell greeting, General Tomasone first of all addressed a moving thought to those who sacrificed their lives for the weapon and for our beloved country, to the many wounded fellow soldiers on duty and to all the families affected in their affections. Below he thanked all the Carabinieri of the "Ogaden" for the commitment, professionalism and self-sacrifice daily in favor of the local communities and for the important results obtained in the action of prevention and repression of all forms of illegality. In turn, General Fischione expressed satisfaction with the high position conferred on him, ensuring the utmost commitment in order to further enhance the activity of the Carabinieri in the Regions of Campania, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Molise and Puglia.
During short talks with the Commander General Nistri, General Stefanizzi and General Fischione, President Capasso declared the joy and full availability of the Foundation to host the “L'Arma” exhibition in the near future at the Museum of Peace - MAMT of the Carabinieri, in the Faithful Centuries”

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The eleventh anniversary is dedicated to the 600 years since the construction of Brunelleschi's dome in Florence.
In the Museum, videos, images and documents on the dome are available and images, films, interviews and significant pages on the symbolic building of the City of Florence are projected.
“Brunelleschi's dome is still the largest masonry ever built today. With an octagonal base, its external diameter is 54.8 meters while the internal diameter is 45.5 meters. With this masterpiece, conventionally, the great season of Humanism and the Renaissance begins, "says architect president Michele Capasso, a scholar of Brunelleschi and the Dome.
The Dome is above all the symbol of the Universe, of its order and its beauty. For Christians it speaks of God and his reunification with men. Leon Battista Alberti was among the first admirers of the great work of Filippo Brunelleschi. The appreciations and studies on the Brunelleschi's Dome never stopped. Such is its charm that for generations the passion for understanding and explaining the 'machine' of the Dome continues to arouse lively debates among specialists.
The problem of "turning the dome" arose at the Santa Maria del Fiore Opera since 1418: invitations were made, tenders and consultations were requested, aware of the complex nature of the construction. It was a question of solving the octagon of the drum (the dome tax), inherited from Talenti, Benci di Cione, Giovanni d'Ambrogio and others, and of solving the greatest technical problem of the West of those decades. Finally in 1420 the choice fell on Filippo Brunelleschi. On 7 August of that year, construction work on the dome began to end, until the base of the lantern, on August 1, 1436. The lantern with a cone-shaped cover, designed by Brunelleschi, was built only after the death of the artist (1446) and the golden copper ball with the cross, by Andrea del Verrocchio, containing sacred relics, was placed in 1466

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Like every year, the Museum of Peace held various events with school students and various groups of visitors on the occasion of the "Memorial Day".
In the Sala Israel - inaugurated by Shimon Peres - various videos were projected, some unpublished, too, on the Shoah and on the deportation of Jews to the various concentration camps.
Emotion and participation in particular by looking at the testimonies of Andra and Tatiana Bucci on the occasion of their visit to the Peace Museum. Their story is moving: daughters of a Jewish mother, in 1944 - when they were only 6 and 4 years old - they were deported to Auschwitz and survived.
Today Tatiana lives in Brussels, while Andra between the United States and Europe.
On this occasion, the book "Storia di Sergio" by Alessandra Viola, Andra Bucci and Tatiana Bucci was presented: the story of their Neapolitan cousin who died in concentration camps

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