Complete Lest || of events

The fifteenth of the anniversaries is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the actor Alberto Sordi.
Several students intervened in the multimedia rooms of the Museum - with due security measures - where, in the section "The great protagonists of history", videos, images and documents of the great Roman actor are available, some donated to the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
On this occasion, some of the most significant films were commented on, in particular "The Great War" and "The small middle class".

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"World Environment Day" celebrated at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. Some young people - welcomed at a safe distance and with the procedures and guidelines on social distancing - have connected with young people all over the world on the museum's multimedia platform to sound the alarm for the defense of the earth and the environment.
On this occasion, President Capasso donated the volume "This good land of ours" written by Maria Pia Giudici, who recently passed away.
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 15, 1972 with Resolution 2994.
The date was chosen to remember the first United Nations Conference on the environment held in Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972, it was on this occasion that the Stockholm Declaration was adopted which defined the 26 principles on human rights and responsibilities in relation to the environment.
World environment day 2020 had biodiversity as its theme, which also passes through the mitigation of climate change. The 46th edition has as its motto "Time for nature" which literally translated says it is "the time for Nature". We can not help but protect nature, the only one capable of purifying the air and producing energy

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The fourteenth of the anniversaries is dedicated to the twenty-sixth anniversary of the death of Massimo Troisi.
The anniversary coincides with the reopening of the Museum after the quarantine due to the covid 19 pandemic.
At 10, in full compliance with the security measures, many visitors visited the Museum and, in particular, the section dedicated to "Pino Daniele" where unpublished videos of the great musician and great actor, always fraternal friends, are kept.
Many students then connected on the museum's multimedia portal where - in the section "The great protagonists of history" - videos, images and documents on Massimo Troisi are available.
"The farewell 26 years ago: it was June 4, 1994," recalls President Capasso, a friend of Massimo Troisi and Pino Daniele.
If one is born in San Giorgio a Cremano (on the outskirts of Naples but in the heart of a devastated suburb, still in the countryside, not yet a city) and grows up in a small and overcrowded house (five brothers, two parents, two grandparents and five grandchildren), or is called Massimo Troisi or resigns to anonymity since childhood.
"Massimo decided to honor his name and to fight against a difficult fate, exacerbated from his youth by painful rheumatic fevers that produced heart failure to the mitral valve that would have been fatal to him at just 41 years old" recalls Capasso.

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From 3th June the "Museum of Peace - MAMT’’ reopens with ‘’Your Emotions’’ for a safe visit. Reservations are required on time slots by calling 340 806 29 08

The “Museum” restarts from “Security”.

The organizational procedures will ensure the safety of visitors as required by the guidelines:

  • the ticket will be exclusively digital;
  • at the entrance to the Museum, body temperature will be detected, indicating as the limit threshold for entry at 37.5 ° C;
  • inside the building it will be essential to wear personal protective equipment (mask);
  • information panels and indicators for distancing will be set up in the visit itinerary;
  • in some places in the rooms there will be dispensers with disinfectant gel.

The news of the visit itinerary.

From 3 June the restyling of the "MOSQUE" and the space dedicated to "ANCIENT EGYPT", the entire floor dedicated to "PINO DANIELE", the "NOT TO FORGET" space dedicated to the victims of the pandemic and solidarity, the videos "THE CAMPANIA OF EMOTIONS" and other "EMOTIONAL PATHS ".

The “Museum” starts again  from “Your Emotions”.

The museum starts with young people, from the territory, from the operators of culture: it begins again with students, schoolchildren, men and women religious, all those committed to enhancing a world heritage site.
The Museum has been closed for almost three months, but videos, emotional itineraries, anniversaries and our collections have continued to be transmitted on our platform and on our portal to make the commitment and importance of the Museum known in greater detail.
The unique beauties of Campania, Italy, Europe and the Mediterranean together with their common identity have traveled, albeit virtually, all over the world.
The reopening of June 3th offers a proposal of use in absolute safety with an emotional welcome. 

We are waiting for you !

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