Complete Lest || of events

The Secretary General of the Union of Arab Maghreb, Habib Ben Yahia, Benita Ferrero-Waldner and the Director General of the European Institute of the Mediterranean, Senen Florensa, adopt the message of the “Totem for Peace” by the sculptor Molinari at the end of the celebrations for the 15th anniversary of the Euromediterranean Partnership and the Euromesco Conference.

“It is important – declared Habib Ben Yahia – to have a historical prospective for peace. This symbol is a hope for the region which was the birthplace of protagonists of world history”.






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Mario Molinari’ s red sail becomes an occasion of rapprochement for Israelis and Palestinians.
For the first time, during the inauguration of the Totem for Peace in Rabat, the Delegations of Israeli and Palestinian Parliaments met to deepen the strategies aiming at ensuring peace in that troubled region.
In particular, the President of Knesset Reuven Rivlin discussed with President Michele Capasso the existing difficulties and confirmed the absolute necessity of a path to peace through the existence of two Peoples within two States.

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The President of the Chamber of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco Abdelwahad Radi received from Jacopo Molinari and Alessandra Pertusati the book on the work of Mario Molinari: sculptor of colour and author of the Totem for Peace.

"I warmly thank for this precious present - President Radi said - which is evidence of the monumental work of a great sculptor who was able to represent plastically the values of friendship, joy, fraternity and peace".

Jacopo Molinari thanked, stressing the particular importance of the words of President Radi on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the sculptor’s death.

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During a meeting with President Michele Capasso, the Mayor of Rabat Fathallah Oualalou confirmed the realisation in the near future of the monumental work of the Totem for Peace by Molinari, in front of the National Library.
18 metres high, made of reinforced concrete, it will be symbol of peace, culture and human rights in Morocco and in the Arab world.

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The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, the coordinator of the Project "Totem for Peace" Jacopo Molinari, the President of the Moroccan Chamber of Representatives Abdelwahad Radi, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Rudy Salles with the Vice President Francesco Amoruso, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Delegation Antonio Martino and the Delegations of the Parliaments of 28 Countries inaugurated the Totem for Peace by the sculptor Mario Molinari situated in the place of honour in the Parliament of Rabat.

H. M. Mohammed VI, with the Government and all the Moroccan people, is honoured for this great symbol of peace which emphasizes the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco for Peace: it is a memorable day and the Totem for Peace by the great artist Mario Molinari will be for ever the sign of peace in Morocco and all over the world.

On that occasion appreciation was expressed by those present and in particular, while handing over symbolically the "Totems for Peace" from the Farnesina to the Parliament of Morocco, Mr. Antonio Martino – former Foreign and Defence Minister - stressed that the Totem for Peace represents the universal symbol of Peace in justice and freedom.

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