Complete Lest || of events

The General Manager of the Community Service National Bureau Leonzio Borea received the title of "Peace Keeper" during the opening session of the first International Peace Workshop, hosted by the Fondazione Mediterraneo from 15th through 17th October.

The titles of "Peace Keeper" are attributed to all those who work for the realisation across the world of the Totems for Peace, created by the sculptor Mario Molinari.

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The Mayor of Ispica, Piero Rustico, accepted the proposal made by President Michele Capasso of creating a seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo in Ispica dedicated to the inter-religious dialogue and to creativity.

The project is based on the realization of the "Totem for Peace" by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari, which represents the Countries of the Greater Mediterranean and that will be positioned - in various dimension - in the most important cities of the world and in the building of the “Maison de la Paix”.
The Totem will be positioned in the heart of the city of Ispica, within the framework of a larger project which insert Ispica in the Unesco World Heritage.

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A Delegation of the Sultanate of Oman, guided by the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs Abdullah Mohammad Abdullah Al Salmi and composed by the Ambassador Said Nasser Al-Harthy, the Advisor Sheikh Kahlan Nabhan Al-Kharusi and by professor of Islamic Studies Ridwan Al-Sayyid, visited Fondazione Mediterraneo.

On this occasion have been analyzed possible cooperations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Fondazione Mediterraneo. In particular, the Minister Abdullah Mohammad Abdullah Al Salmi expressed appreciation for the activities carried out by FM to promote dialogue and cooperation.

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President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso met the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
On this occasion Capasso remembered activities carried out by Fondazione Mediterraneo in favour of Turkey and the Prime Minister´s Official Visit in Naples on September the 2nd, 2005.

Mr. Erdoğan expressed his support to the actions of the "Totem for Peace" and the Maison de la Paix".
The city of Istanbul has been chosen to realize the "Totem for Peace".
For this realization, Mr. Capasso, proposed to create a special work, reproducing the Totem for Peace - by the Turin sculptor Molinari with led lights positioned on the 4 piers of the Bosfor Bridge: a symbol of Peace between East and West, between Europe and Asia.

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President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso met the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
On this occasion Capasso remembered activities carried out by Fondazione Mediterraneo in favour of Turkey and the Prime Minister´s Official Visit in Naples on September the 2nd, 2005.

Mr. Erdoğan expressed his support to the actions of the "Totem for Peace" and the "Maison de la Paix".
The city of Istanbul has been chosen to realize the "Totem for Peace".
For this realization, Mr. Capasso, proposed to create a special work, reproducing the Totem for Peace - by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari - with led lights positioned on the 4 piers of the Bosfor Bridge: a symbol of Peace between East and West, between Europe and Asia.

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