Complete Lest || of events

During his speech at the plenary session, President Michele Capasso asked the delegations to approve the project of the "Totem for Peace".

Capasso explained that this action is part of the programme of the “Maison des Alliances”. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean agreed to support this action during the 3rd Plenary Session which took place in Montecarlo last November 2008.
Presidents of delegations promised their interest in the realization of the "Totem" in their respective Countries.

The first “Totem” will be realized in Morocco, Malta, and Palestine.
“We´re honored – said the Palestinian Walid Assaf – of this opportunity and I think that the city of Ramallah swill be the ideal location for the Totem”.

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The coordinators of the 43 National Networks of the "Anna Lindh" Foundation supports the project of the "Totem for Peace".
This symbol of peace, proposed the first time at the 2nd Euromed Civil Forum (Naples, 1997) will be realized in the most important Euromediterranean countries, in the next years, in cooperation with Parliaments and ALF National Networks.

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President Michele Capasso met the Mayor of Fez Mr. Hamid Chabat, who expressed the support of the city of Fez to the realization of the "Totem for Peace" and the adhesion to the network "Cities for Peace in the World".

The Mayor
decided that the Totem must be of 12 metres high and it will be positioned in the heart of the city in the Square Grande Poste dell´Avenue Hassan II.

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President Michele Capasso met the Mayor of Rabat, ancient Minister of Finance, Mr. Fathallah Oualalou and the Director of National Library of Morocco, Mr. Driss Khrouz.

During the meeting the Mayor expressed the support of the city of Rabat to the realization of the "Totem for Peace" in front of the National Library.
The Mayor also agreed to organize a meeting with mayors of the network
"Cities for Peace in the World".

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