Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion  of the celebrations for the 150th  Anniversary of the Italian Unity, the president of  Fondazione  Mediterraneo  Michele Capasso has informed the  President of the Province of Turin  Antonio Saitta that he has been granted the “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011, representing the Totem for Peace  realized by the sculptor Mario Molinari. The official awarding ceremony will be held in Naples during the month of May.

President  Saitta is the sponsor  of the  Tricolored Totem for Peace that will be realized in Turin over the next weeks in the Pellerina Park on the corner of corso Regina Margherita and  corso Lecce.

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On Friday  4 March 2011 at  12: 20 a.m., in  the Sala Vesuvio  at  the seat of the Fondazione Mediterraneo – “Maison de la Paix” (130,  Via Depretis, Naples – 4th floor ), the official programme of the initiatives to be held in Turin for the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity  was presented.

The press conference started with the greeting of Michele Capasso, president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.  Then followed speeches by:  Fiorenzo Alfieri, in charge of   Culture and of the 150th  Anniversary of the Italian Unity  at the  Municipality of Turin,  Carla Testore, for the Communication and Press Bureau of the Cultural Valorisation Consortium  La Venaria Reale  and   Prof. Pierluigi Leone de Castris, curator of the Naples section within the exhibition  “La Bella Italia”. The works were coordinated by  Roberto Race, member of the international scientific committee of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

On this occasion the project “TRICOLORED TOTEM FOR PEACE” by the Turinese sculptor Mario Molinari which is due to be realized  in Turin along  Corso Regina Margherita and   Corso Lecce, as a symbol of Peace and Unity,  was presented. During the same day,  Abdelwahed Radi, president of the Moroccan Parliament and of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean handed over symbolically the Totem for Peace to the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino:  in fact the “Totem for Peace” has been recently realized at the seat of the Moroccan Parliament.

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On  2 March  2011 Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo met the president of the Moroccan Parliament Abdelwahed Radi in Rome and the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino in Naples, playing the role of “carrier” of the Totem for Peace.

The President of the Chamber of Representatives of the Moroccan Kingdom Abdelwahed Radi – Secretary-General of the Moroccan socialist party – has formally handed over the Totem for Peace to the  mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino. Since 4 March 2011, Radi is the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean: an institution joined by the delegations of 43 Countries, established in 2003 at the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

On the same day, President Capasso met the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino in Naples, with whom he has agreed to realize the "Tricolored Totem" on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity.

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A "Totem for Peace" formed by a red sail, symbol of the tragedies that brought bloodshed to the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East as well as two yellow and orange semicircles, representing dawn and sunset. This is the award, signed by the sculptor Mario Molinari, of "Memoriae", the second edition of the  event in memory of the Shoah, which was held on Monday 7 February at the Sala Filangieri of the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Campania.

- As for the section  Memoriae of the Shoah, the Prize was awarded to the sisters  Andra and Tatiana Bucci, born in Fiume and deported to the concentration camp of Birkenau at the age of 4 and 7, together with other family members;

- As for the section  Other  Memoriae, the Prize awarded to Lawyer Pasquale Cappuccio, brutally killed by the Camorra more than 30 years ago, was collected by his daughter  Emma Lorena;

- As for the section Postmemoriae, the Prize was awarded to the memory of Shmuel Haddas, first Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See  who died in January 2010.

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A  Totem for Peace with the colours of the Italian flag will be raised in Turin, in 2011, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary  of the Italian Unity. The news was given in Naples by Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo during the presentation of the initiatives for the Shoah Day.

The International Committee of Fondazione Mediterraneo – entrusted with the implementation of the Totems for Peace worldwide – has permitted to build a Totem aimed at paying tribute to the 150th  Anniversary of the Italian Unity. The Totem, that will be unveiled by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano,  will be 16 meters high, built in reinforced concrete and  thoroughly tricolour, in honour of the national flag colours.

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