Complete Lest || of events

From  Father Paolo dell’Oglio to Aliki Moschis, form Tuomo Melasuo to Fathallah Sijilmassi, from Martin Schulz to Leila Shahid: institutional representatives of civil society organizations show their support to the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari,  which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is disseminating throughout the world as a symbol of dialogue and cooperation among  peoples.

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The newly-elected President of the Italian Senate Pietro Grasso was recently awarded the sculptor Molinari’s “Tricolour Totem for Peace” by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Fondazione Caponnetto. The Totem is a symbol of legality for the nascent OMCOM (The Mediterranean Observatory on Mafias and Organized Crime), which the two foundations will constitute this forthcoming May.
The  “TOTEM FOR PEACE” by the sculptor Mario Molinari will be erected in the City of Brindisi and dedicated to the memory of Melissa Bassi, the young student killed during an attack on the training college, Istituto Professionale per i Servizi Sociali “Morvillo Falcone”, in  Brindisi.
This agreement was made between President of the Fondazione, Michele Capasso, the “Totem for Peace” Project Manager, Pia Molinari and the Institute Headmistress, Mrs Rosanna Maci.


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Buccino calls Torino”: is the title of the local newspaper published by the small town in the province of Salerno, promoting “Luci d’Artista”: an international event launched several years ago by the City of Turin, which is being promoted this year by Buccino.

This year, the works of Mario Molinari play a central role in the theming, which is set in symbolic places in the town merging its history and architecture with the works of art.

During a visit to see the setting for the works, Pia Molinari expressed her satisfaction to the town’s mayor, Mr. Nicola Parisi about the professionalism of preparations and choice of places and donated a gift of a book on the works of Mario Molinari to express her appreciation for the same.

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The “Totem of Peace” by Mario Molinari will be built in Buccino.
In the memorandum of understanding signed by President Capasso and the Mayor of Buccino, Parisi,  it was agreed that the monumental work of art would be erected in the historical Town Hall of Buccino.
Molinari created this work for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.

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