Complete Lest || of events

President Michele Capasso presented a copy of the "Tricolour Totem for Peace" by Mario Molinari, made by the Fondazione Mediterraneo to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy to the Speaker of the Maltese Parliament, Michael Frendo. It was also agreed that a "Totem for Peace" would be erected in Malta.

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A delegation from Quebec – led by the Representative of the Delegation for Italy and Mediterranean countries, Daniela Renosto – visited the Fondazione Mediterraneo - Maison de la Paix.
On that occasion, it agreed to erect the Totem for Peace in the City of Montreal and commit to cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Among those present were the Vice President of the Institute for Alternative Policies, Dimitri Roussopoulos, the Councillor for International Affairs, Lucie Deschènes and the Councillor for International Networks of the City of Montreal, Amara Ouerghi.

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UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova supports the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari which is becoming increasingly recognised as the Symbol of Peace by Peoples of the world.

The International Committee of the Totem for Peace has decided to donate a replica of the work to UNESCO as a tribute to the added value World Heritage can contribute as a vector for peace among different peoples, cultures, civilizations and religions.


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