Complete Lest || of events

Mayors from the Amalfi Coast received the “Totem for Peace” by sculptor Mario Molinari at the Mediterranean Awards held in Naples.

The Mayors, among whom was the President of the Conference of Mayors, Antonio Della Pietra, took part in this important event at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo thanks to its excellent relations with the Mayor of Minori, Andrea Reale, as part of the multiethnic festival at the end of July in the suggestive typical town which on the Amalfi coastline.

The participation of the Mayors from the Amalfi Coast was important in that the Awards, which, were established in 1996, and together with the Nobel are considered to be among the most important acknowledgements in the world. there have been more than 200 award winners, juries from 43 countries and major international institutions among its partners.

There was the symbolic  handing over of the Totem for Peace passing from the hands of the Mayors of Amalfi (world cultural heritage) into those of the UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova.


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The Totem for Peace by Molinari is increasingly becoming the symbol of peace, including at a suggestive Holy Mass in the woods surrounding Pescasseroli, where it was celebrated with festivities and dancing at the end of mass.

Father Roberto Berruti, a Roman parish priest in the suburbs of Testaccio exhorted the prayer groups and young people to spread the message of love and dialogue.


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During a meeting at the Headquarters of the Algerian Embassy in Italy, President Michele Capasso gave Ambassador Rachid Marif a copy of the “Tricolour Totem for Peace” , which was created to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
On that occasion, a project was prepared for the erection of the statue of the Totem for Peace with the colours of the Algerian flag to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Algeria.


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