Complete Lest || of events

The President of the Senate Pietro Grasso accompanied by his wife Maria Fedele Grasso has received in the Senate by Pia Molinari and Elizabeth Caponnetto a copy of the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari.
"This is a symbol that the Fondazione Mediterraneo is spreading around the world - has established itself - is a hope and an encouragement to all those who occupy institutional responsibilities."

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A journey into the culture of the Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean, with a sailing boat that will sail for five years along a route of 20 thousand miles. And 'the basic idea of the "Mediterranean Project" means a shipment cultural, scientific and relationships between people, that will be carried writer and sailor Simone Perotti and his group of about 60 people taking turns on a sailing boat 18 meters to sail around the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the northern Red Sea.
The RIDE - Italian Network for the Mediterranean Dialogue euro - and the Fondazione Mediterraneo between the partners of the initiative; media partnership, the Agency ANSA.
The three main objectives of the trip: the first is "Water: no one before us has ever brought attention as the Mediterranean. The second culture: our project and 'linked to numerous research institutes and universities' Italian, but also to Italian and foreign cultural institutes who believe in our values​​. finally we have scientific objectives, 'cause the boat is a floating laboratory. "
The project "Mediterranean", presented in Rome at the Library of the Sea, while sailing with a stopover in over one hundred coastal cities of 29 countries in the three continents Europe, Asia and Africa. The route will be on May 17 in San Benedetto del Tronto, returning to Genoa. During the five years of sailing, Mediterranean, sailing boat of 18 meters powered solely by renewable energy sources (solar and wind), will operate as apppunto floating laboratory, carrying out research and experiments together with researchers from the British Sahfos (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science), Professor Ferdinando Boero University of Salento and ISMAR-CNR, University of Siena, and the CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change).
The shipment marks the first worldwide experience of co-sailing, supported by dozens of people who share its aims and contribute economically compartecipando first person to travel in relays on-board and ground-support as a team. "We want to show that any project, even the most ambitious, can be realized through the cooperation of motivated people who share the same passion, with an approach inspired by the principles of 'sharing economy'," said Perotti. The project is sponsored by, among others, the General Command of the Harbour, the Italian Naval League.
Mediterranean will raise the symbol of the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - that the Fondazione Mediterraneo is spreading all over the world - and the flags of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto and the City of Lampedusa.

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Eugenio Bennato, a member of the Mediterranean Foundation, held a very successful concert in Montevideo in Uruguay.
At the invitation of the Ambassador of Italy Vincenzo Palladino, Bennato enchanted the room recalling the design of the Totem of Peace of Molinari - Gaeta own party with a concert by Eugene Jackson - is traveling around the world and soon will be realized in its Montevideo.
In Gaeta will be held on "Concerto for euro Mediterranean Dialogue between Cultures" by Eugenio Bennato.

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The island of Procida received the "Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for the realization of the "Totem of Peace" which will shortly be inaugurated before the complex of Santa Margherita Nuova.
To withdraw recognition from the Mayor Vincenzo Capezzuto with City Council President Luigi Muro, Councillor Maria Capodanno and a delegation of citizens of Procida.
Present at the ceremony, the President of FM Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the institutional relationship manager Claudio Azzolini, responsible and creative young Pia Molinari, the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara representing the RIDE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the mayor of Furore Raffaele Ferraioli with the City Council to complete and members of the networks of the Mediterranean Foundation.
On this occasion Procida has been designated by the International Committee of the Award "Island of Peace".

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