Complete Lest || of events

The Furore received the Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for the realization of the "Totem of Peace" which will shortly be opened on the main hairpin Parkway "Village of Art".
To withdraw recognition from the Mayor of Furore Raffaele Ferraioli with the City Council to complete.
Present at the ceremony, the President of FM Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the institutional relationship manager Claudio Azzolini, responsible and creative young Pia Molinari, the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara representing the RIDE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mayor of Procida Vincenzo Capezzuto with the President of the Municipal Council Luigi Muro, Councillor Maria Capodanno and a delegation of citizens of Procida and other members of the networks of the Mediterranean Foundation.
On this occasion Furore has been designated by the International Committee of the Award "Village of Peace" .

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The Totem of Peace by Mario Molinari is the symbol of MAMTMediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions. A large number of people joined to the opening ceremony and enjoyed Molinari’s majestic sculpture. Among the others: Naples Major De Magistris, Campania Region Culture Assessor Caterina Miraglia, MAE Ambassador Granara, Moroccan one Abouyoub, Tunisian one Mestiri, exponents of three monoteistic religions, Procida and San Sebastiano al Vesuvio’s major and the head of Military School “Nunziatella”.

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The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso delivered the Totem of peace and legality by the great sculptor Mario Molinari in the hands of State’s secretary Gian Carlo Venturini and Giuseppe Maria Morganti, at the presence of Italian Ambassador in San Marino Barbara Bregato.
“It represents– declared Capasso – the acknowledgment of the path done by San Marino in these years.
A symbolic challenge they are trying to win here. For the first time the Molinari’s Totem of Peace – which started its way some years ago – represents both peace and legality. It is a very strong symbol which after Ban-Ki Moon goes to the Repubblic of Titano”. For now it has been given a Totem miniature and the real one will be placed in the next few months on the Titano, after the individuation to the best spot for its collocation.

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