Complete Lest || of events

During a meeting held in Zurich have been examinated proposal for the realization of a  Totem of Peace in the Swiss city.

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Under the definition of “Euromediterranean Olympics” Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted several events in its headquarter and between them took place. The meeting of 42 ambassadors at SOM of Mediterranean Union, with general secretary Sijilmassi. Those one of ambassadors member of Lindh foundation’s Board of Governors and the Consultative Committee’s members and National Networks leader. The last euromediterranean meeting with media and European Committee Štefan Füle which focused on next projects, Romano Prodi conferences which focused on the next plans. Euromediterranean Dialogue Italian Network General Assembly. At the end “Mediterranean Award” ceremony has been held and the person awarded were: Romano Prodi, Štefan Füle, Simone Camilli, Pino Daniele, Serge Telle, Maurizio Marinella, Antonio de Martino, Israelian and Palestinian mothers and Artisans of Algeri, Felicio Angrisano, Andreu Claret. All these projects "Totem for Peace" of  Mario Molinari: red sail which symbolically represents peace and it is particullary important in this historical moment, as it has  been defined by the participants, for the importance of achieved aims.

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At the eve of 4° World Youth Meeting, before of a delegation from Sermig and one from Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso ed Ernesto Olivero lifted on the terrace of “Maison de la Paix” Sermig’s peace flag, created by Studio Testa.
During the World Youth Meeting, this will take place with Mario MolinariTotem della Pace”.

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Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, General Manager of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research accompanied by a delegation, received a gift from Pia and Jacopo Molinari an exemplar in terracotta of the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari: "I'll keep it with me as symbol of peace, more necessary than ever in this historic moment”he said, thanking them for the award.

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