Complete Lest || of events

The Saudi prince Turki al Faisal al Saud, former chief of Riad intelligence and president of King Faisal Center Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) – one of the most important world personalities come to Naples and paid homage to the ‘Totem of Peace’ with the urn of “Unknown Migrant” made by the sculptor Mario Molinari and in which are collected the remains of migrants coming Lampedusa. The artwork - installed in the square of “Coast Guard”, in front of the Maritime Station of the Port of Naples – has been gifted by Fondazione Mediterraneo to the “Port Captaincy – Coast Guard” in occasion of the 150 anniversary of their establishment, as a homage to all the men and women of Coast Guard daily involved in the rescue of lives in the sea.
Joined to the ceremony the ambassador of Arabia Saudita in Italy Rayed Khalid A. Krimly, the Ambassador of Tunisia in Italy Naceur Mestiri, Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World, the Chief Admiral Felicio Angrisano, the General Captain of Port Captaincy – Coast Guard the Admiral Antonio Basile, the Commissioner of Port Authority of Naples and men and women of Coast Guard.
In this occasion the Secretary General Capasso highlighted the importance of Totem of Peace, so important in this particular historical moment and along with Admiral Felicio Angrisano, the Ambassador of Tunisia and the Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud placed on the urn olive branches and sagebrush coming from Tunisian shores from which the migrants start their travels.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers United States of the World" were awarded.
The Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud put in the urn a message of solidarity to migrants.

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The executive director of Farnesina ambassador Hatem Atallah, along with the member of Advisory Board of Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL) – the Euro-Mediterranean network which gathers 42 countries - paid homage to the “Totem of Peace”: art work by the sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo (in partnership with International institutions, among which there is also ALF) is spreading all over the world as symbol of peace and cooperation among populations.
The “Totem of Peace” in the Farnesina is the first to be realized and inaugurated in 2010 at the presence of exponents coming all over the world.

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One-hundred fifty years of history. One century and half spent helping, rescue and save human lives. The General Captain Admiral celebrated this event through events held all over the country. The event held in Naples was really impressive and was lead by Admiral Antonio Basile, maritime director for Campania region: the square before the Maritime Station will named “Coast Guard Square”, in memorial off all the militaries dead in duty and in celebration of the continue engagement of the Army.
In the middle of the square Fondazione Mediterraneo donated to the Army of Port Captaincy- Coast Guard, in occasion of its 150° anniversary, the “Totem of Peace” by Molinari sculptor and which contains the urn of unknown Migrant, and donated also the “Mediterranean Award” for the indefatigable work of help and safeguard of human lives.
The president Capasso, in a message send to Admiral Angrisano and Admiral Basile affirmed to be flattered and proud to have given his support in order to spread the values of the Army and its noble mission.

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In occasion of the “Mediterranean Award for Poetry and Innovation 2015” attributed to him, Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba was gifted by the Mario Molinari Totem of Peace.
Expressing his gratitude and emotion, To - Otaiba welcomed Pia and Jacopo Molinari in its house of Marrakech being proud for the speech gived by Pia Molinari about his poetical work, in occasion of award ceremony.
In this occasion Jacopo Molinari gifted the artist with the volume on the work of Mario Molinari.

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The president Michele Capasso along with the “Ambassadors of Peace” paid homage to the “Totem of Peace with the urn of Unknown Migrant” in the Maritime Station of Naples.
“The Totem of Peace is an universal symbol and Casale di Principe is proud to host in the next few months this important artwork of the artist Molinari: it will be dedicated to Don Peppe Diana and all the victims of mafia”.
The guys of the project “The Ambassadors of the Rebirth” expressed their approval for the artwork and commemorated the migrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean and deposed flowers on the monument.

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