Complete Lest || of events

On Friday April the 8th Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted the presentation of the book L'architettura sostenibile e le politiche dell'alloggio sociale (Sustainable Architecture and Politics for Social Housing).

On. Erminia Mazzoni, European Parliament
Prof. Maria Teresa Lucarelli, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Arch. Michele Capasso, President Fondazione Mediterraneo
Dora Francese and Luca Buoninconti, book editors

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Fondazione Mediterraneo participated to the event Napoli riparte dal mare: la Stazione Marittima ieri, oggi e domani.

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Arcibishop of Naples
Luciano Dassatti, President of Naples Port Authority
Paolo Graziano, President of Chamber of Industrialist of Naples
Maurizio Maddaloni, Naples Chamber of Commerce President
Sergio Vetrella, Campania Region Transportation Assessor
Nicola Coccia, Terminal Napoli spa President

Luciano Bosso, Journalist

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted the last lessons of the training course for the students from Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” and Università degli Studi di Salerno participating to the NMUN 2011, coordinated by the Associazione Ideagorà.

The NMUN is a “student-run academic simulation” that is a simulation of multilateral diplomatic processes for university students. This is an opportunity to understand the internal functioning of the United Nations, developing at the same time skills in the art of the diplomacy and the compromise; moreover the encounter among students from different backgrounds make the NMUN one of the most effective instruments for the teaching of the dynamics of the multilateral diplomacy and the international relations.

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