Complete Lest || of events

President Michele Capasso and the parliamentarian Claudio Azzolini took part in the Inauguration of the Judicial Year 2011 of the TAR of Campania. Also present were the Mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino, the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro and the Cardinal of Naples, Crescenzio Sepe.

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On 26th February at the offices of the Fondazione Valenzi, Carlo Puca’s new book “Tengo Famiglia”, published by Aliberti Editore, was presented. The speakers were the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro, the Provincial Secretary of the PD, Enzo Amendola, the Director of "il Denaro", Alfonso Ruffo and the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso.

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During a meeting with Ida Collu, President of the National Body for the Deaf and Urbano Stenta, functionary of the Foreign Office, cooperation with the Fondazione Mediterraneo was agreed upon for the creation of a Union of the Deaf in the Greater Mediterranean and for holding the Summit of the Deaf of the Mediterranean, in Naples, with the objective of creating Mediterranean solidarity.

From a study carried out by "Think Thanks", a research and communications company lead by Lucio Iaccarino, and published in the newsletter "Grazie del Pensiero", the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with the Fondazioni SUDD, Mezzogiorno Europa, IDIS-Città della Scienza and Teatro San Carlo, were in the first 5 of Naples City and Province, from 183 accredited organisations, for transparency, content and interactivity.

A result - claims President Capasso - made possible by the strong interaction with the territory which, since 1998, has seen the setting up of thematic bureaux developing the partnerships between the collectivities of Naples and the Province and  the Euromediterranean countries.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Fondazione Valenzi, together with the Festival del Giornalismo di Perugia, organised the conference cycle “The century of Marshall McLuhan” as part of the project “Per Napoli”.

Saturday 19th February at 11 a.m., at the offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, in Via Depretis 130, Naples, on the occasion of the presentation of Michele Mezza’s new book "Sono le News, Bellezza! Vincitori e vinti nella guerra della velocità digitale - Donzelli Editore, there was an encounter between the protagonists of the world of information in Naples: Internet said: will the papers end like Mirafiori?

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