Complete Lest || of events

Sisters Tatiana and Andra Bucci, who received the "Totem for Peace" award for the section Memories of the Shoah (as part of the event “Memoriae”) visited the offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World welcomed by President Michele Capasso.
There was a long and friendly meeting, during which President Capasso “stimulated” the sisters, survivors of the Birkenau camp, to write a book with the voices and the eyes of the two children who lived in a concentration camp for a year, recalling their great joy when a German soldier of the SS, in a rare moment of compassion, offered them a packet of biscuits.
On this occasion, President Capasso conferred the title of "Standard Bearer of the United States of the World" on the Bucci sisters.

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The press conference for the second edition of Memoriae was held at the Fondazione Mediterraneo offices. The event, planned by the Associazione Libera Italiana (A.L.I.), the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Fondazione Valenzi, had the objective of keeping alive, especially among the younger generations, the memory of the Shoah and, through this, also memories which more than others have marked humanity’s recent past.

At the event, which shall take place on the 7th February from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the “Gaetano Filangeri” Hall of the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale of  Campania, contributions shall be made by:  Diego Guida, Assessor for Heritage for the Commune of Naples, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Pietro Valente, President of the Associazione Libera Italiana no-profit organisation, Lucia Valenzi, President of the Fondazione Valenzi and Nico Pirozzi, coordinator of the event.

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With about 200 films, many of which as international and national previews, the Trieste Film Festival is the main Italian event concerning the cinema of Centre-Eastern Europe, this year at its 22nd edition, rendering homage to the master of Slovakian cinema Dušan Hanák.

Thanks to the variety and interest of its programme, including feature films, short films and documentaries participating in the competition, retrospectives, homages, the festival is nowadays recognised as an event not to be lost as well as a show off for the cinema of the “New Europe”.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been cooperating with the Trieste Film Festival since 1995, granting the Mediterranean Cinema Award to the best short film.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo have accepted the appeal by cardinal Crescenzio Sepe for a good governance and a shared development of the city and proposes the pluri-annual Programme FOR NAPOLES in order to enhance the skills and examples of good practice, through a coordinated network action.

The President Michele Capasso – who participated at the opening torchlight for the “Jubilee for Naples 2011” – convened the International Scientific Committee, representants from other seats and delegates from other networks who accepted unanimously to participate to the pluri-annual Programme FOR NAPLES which sees the Fondazione Mediterraneo at the forefront to contribute, with ideas and concrete actions, to the rebirth, the good governance and the eco-sustainable development of the city of Naples.

Concretely the Fondazione Mediterraneo will involve its international network and the experts participating in the International Scientific Committee in order to bring in international forums the main problems that afflict the citywaste, traffic, unemployment, social unrest, new poverty and new needs, mobility, parking, promotion of culture and tourism, etc... – and get operational proposals which will be published on a special web site and, therefore, available online.

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The Fondazione Valenzi and the Fondazione Mediterraneo have accepted the appeal by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and launched a programme of initiatives and of civil commitment for Naples. The two Foundations, recognizing a political-cultural convergence, shared values, shared aims and the essential roles of memory and of civil and social commitment, have signed a protocol of agreement, which will come into force starting from tomorrow.

The first objective is to prepare the multi-year programme “FOR NAPLES” aiming at the creation of a technical place for discussing the problems and challenges of the territory in order to contribute to the renascence of the city.
The agreement also provides that the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the responsible for institutional relations Claudio Azzolini will be members of the Orientation Committee of the Fondazione Valenzi and that the President of Fondazione Valenzi Lucia Valenzi and the Secretary General Roberto Race will be members of the Scientific Committee of the
Fondazione Mediterraneo.

The agreement provides for the planning and carrying out of studies and proposals on the subject of development and democracy in Naples, in Campania, in Southern Italy and in Italy, particularly with regard to the wider Mediterranean region, as well as for the planning and carrying out of studies on the transformation processes of Italy, with particular interest for the changes in social composition, economic development, social and environmental policies.
The first initiative will be “Memoriae”: the event organized for the Memorial Day, now at its second edition. This year the event, organized in collaboration with ALI Association, will be held on February 7th and will be coordinated by the journalist Nico Pirozzi, also author of the new edition of the text by Maurizio Valenzi “Italian Jews Facing Racism”, published in Tunisia in 1938.

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