Complete Lest || of events

The Director of RAI 3’s Campania News, Massimo Milone, visited the site of the Maison de la Paix expressing a lively appreciation of the activities carried out and, in particular, for the Totem for Peace.

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The presentation of Michele Capasso’s book "Nostro Mare Nostro" took place in the main hall of the Da Procida Scientific High School. In attendance there were the Governor of Rotary, teachers and students who showed unanimous appreciation of Michele Capasso’s commitment to the cause of peace. In particular, the students declared that “they had had an emotional experience, that had made a positive mark on their learning pathway”.

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The first of the four gates of the city of Naples has been opened. Porta San Gennaro, the oldest gate according to tradition, reopened, restored, on the day dedicated to the Jubilee for Naples, following an initiative of Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, for the renaissance of the city. “It is the gate of sharing, of solidarity - said Pepe - we are opening the gate to let in justice, to reconsign Naples to its inhabitants in the vestages of civil cohabitation”.

After the opening of Porta San Gennaro, the simulacrum of which was made in papier-maché by children from Procida, a long torchlight parade followed the city streets, finishing at the Cathedral.

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The initiative, now having reached a second edition, started with the purpose of keeping alive the memory of the Shoah  - especially for the new generations - and, through it, also “memories” which, more than others, have marked humanity’s recent past.

Three sections, one connected to the memory of the Shoah, one to Postmemory and one to other memoirs, were the themes of the event which was held in Naples on the 7th February 2011, at the Filangeri Hall of the TAR of Campania.

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