Complete Lest || of events

The General and Extraordinary Assembly of “Euromesco”, the network of International Policy Institutes was held in Barcelona, in the seat of the Union for the Mediterranean.
On that occasion there was the ratification of “Euromesco” Charter as well as the analysis of the activities planned for 2012, taking into account the events occurred on the Southern shore of the Mediterranean.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, member of Euromesco since 2006, participated in the Assembly with President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, member of the board.

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The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the responsible for institutional relations Claudio Azzolini participated in the international conference “Diplomacy and  Globalisation” co-organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs  and by the  Foundation Mezzogiorno-Europa, in the presence of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

Many speakers - Joseph Maila, Cristopher Hill, Fabio Petito, Franco Mazzei and others – took  part, as  members of the scientific committee of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in the three-year programme  (2005-2007) “Mediterranean, Europe and Islam: dialoguing actors” recalling the importance of this  action “forerunner in the analysis and research of international policy for the Mediterranean and the  Middle East”.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo supports the mission of doctor Francesco Paolo Iaccarino in Tanzania, which made it possible to discover a natural remedy to be used against malaria, giving immunization:  thousands of people have been saved and high gratitude is felt by local inhabitants.  
Other activities carried out include:  realisation of wells, rural aqueducts and construction of a laboratory for the production of  herbal remedies on the site.
President Capasso met father Arnold: a missionary who devotes entirely his time to follow  projects and actions of solidarity and aid. Father Arnold and other missionaries were awarded the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".


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In occasion of  20° anniversary of  Fondazione Mediterraneo, during a ceremony held in “Junta Hall” of San Giacomo Palace, the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso dedicated to the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris the first edition of two volumes which recap, through a selection of international press release, twenty years of efforts for dialogue and peace.


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