Complete Lest || of events

From 1-4th December, the Moroccan Youth Forum for the Third Millennium together with  the National Association for Studies and Research in Development organized an international meeting on the theme of “Young people and Human Safety”,  in collaboration with  the Agence du Sud, the Groupe OCP, the Wilaya of Dakhla , the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Royal Air Maroc, the World Peace Organisation and the Fondazione Mediterraneo  in Dakhal,
The meeting took place at a time in which Morocco is undergoing historical,  political, social and economic reform in a global context that is marked by profound transformations. More than 220 ardent peace supporters participated. Among them were young people aged between  18 to 35 from Africa, the Arab World, Asia, Europe and North and South America.
The meeting was animated by experts on human safety and key figures from all over the world. The event included cultural and artistic activities as well as solidarity actions for the populations of Dakhla. Agreements were also signed in favor of young people from the Southern Provinces of Morocco.

At the end of the forum, youth representatives from five continents signed a Memorandum constituting a Global Youth Network for Human Safety.

Driss Guerraoui, the National Coordinator  of the Moroccan Youth Forum for the Third Millennium  and members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo presided over the meeting.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo takes part in the exhibition “The Arab Spring in Egypt”, inaugurated at 3.00 pm in the main hall of the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre – Faculty of Classics and Philosophy, in via Ostiense 234.
A Round Table followed the inauguration at 3.30pm dedicated to the same theme at the Press Conference Room of the Faculty of Linguistics – Faculty of Classics and Philosophy.


The Fondazione Mediterraneo will take part in the States General of Culture.

Looking towards its appointment at the States General of Culture, scheduled for Rome on 3-4 December, the Democratic Party of Turin, in collaboration with the DP Group for the City and Province, is rallying forces to promote an important occasion on which to compare and exchange experiences with the vast and multifarious world of culture offered in Turin. The assembly is proposing to capitalize on the experiences and opportunities from the diversified cultural horizon of the City of Turin and Municipalities of  its Province to keep culture alive in times of cuts and crisis by bringing together numerous  people from the whole territory: directors, representatives of associations and foundations, and people working in the sector. Moreover, this meeting in Turin represents an opportunity to consolidate a new alliance bringing together the driving forces of  society, forming a pact capable of offering prospects and injecting impetus into the many forms of energy that have lent expression to such a great season. This  has increased the appeal of our territory and given it a new identity. The States General of Culture meeting in Turin on 19 November  can be seen as a genuine incubator for ideas and a stimulus towards the construction of a model for alternative development. Hence culture will be a catalyst for development and employment, laying down the cardinal points for a Government proposal allowing the Country to hoist itself out of the economic and moral decline into which it has sunk.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo, first observer of PAM, has taken part in the workshop and in the press conference in the person of the president Mc. In this occasion the Fm has underlined the importance of dialogue with reference to energetic choices: rules, technical rules and financial aspects.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean is organizing, within the framework of the PAM Panel on External Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean (PAM 2nd Standing Committee for Economic, Social and Environmental issues), a high-profile conference on “Mediterranean Energy: an urgent need”, to be held in Naples, Italy, on 17 November 2011. The event is part of the PAM Panel’s programme of activities with the aim to support the creation of a Mediterranean energy Community.
PAM will convene the main stakeholders in the infrastructure development for the electricity and gas sectors, inter alia, parliamentarians, representatives of regulators, transmission systems operators, international financial operators and Banks.
The event, presided by Pam Vice-President, Senator Francesco Amoruso (Italy) and the co-chairs of the PAM Panel, Hon. Mohammad Zureiqat (Jordan) and Mrs. Teresa Ribeiro (Portugal), is led by Eng. Alessandro Ortis, Coordinator of the Energy Sectoral Group within the PAM Panel. The Conference will take place under the auspices of the Association of Mediterranean Regulators for Electricity and Gas (MEDREG), Observer to PAM and major PAM’s partner in the energy sector, and is sponsored by TERNA S.p.A. (the Italian owner and operator of the National Electricity Transmission Grid).

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