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The change Command Ceremony at the Nunziatella Military Academy in Naples, during which Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto handed over command to Colonel Maurizio Napoletano, was attended among others by the Commander of the Military Academy of Modena, General Division, Massimiliano Del Casale, and dignitaries representing civil and military institutions. At the close of the ceremony, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, together with other members including Vittorio di Pace and Claudio Azzolini, informed those attending of the jury’s decision to give the Mediterranean Peace Keepers Award to the departing commanders of the Nunziatella Academy as a token of the Academy’s secular activities.
The highest honour was awarded to Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto and consists of a replica of the TOTEM FOR PEACE by Molinari set on a stone base taken from old block of lava from Vesuvius.


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At the conclusion of the solemn ceremony for the change of command at the “Nunziatella” Military Academy based in Naples, where Colonel Maurizio Napoletano took command from Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto. During the ceremony, attended, among others, by the Commander of the Modena Military Academy, Division General, Massimiliano Del Casale, Highest Honour of “Friend of Nunziatella” was awarded to the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its president, Michele Capasso.

The reason for the Honour read as follows: “for its commitment to increasing and valorizing the prestige of “Nunziatella”. The President of the Fondazione, Michele Capasso, together with senior architect Vittorio di Pace and Claudio Azzolini expressed their gratitude at receiving this highest honour.



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The ceremony for the change of command at the Nunziatella Military Academy in Naples. The new Commander, who took over from Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto is Colonel Maurizio Napoletano, from the Third division of the Armed Forces- Operational Center of the Italian State Army.

The ceremony took place in the Vittorio Veneto Court in the presence of, among others, the Commander of the Military Academy of Modena, General Division, Massimiliano Del Casale. The President of the Fondazione Michele Capasso and other members – including architect Vittorio di Pace and Claudio Azzolini – took part in the ceremony. At this occasion, the two commanders awarded the highest honour of “Friend of Nunziatella” to the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

In acknowledgement of the honour officially bestowed on the Fondazione Mediterraneo, President Capasso informed those attending of the jury’s decision to award the Mediterranean Award for Bearers of Peace to all the departing commanders of the Nunziatella academy.


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The President Michele Capasso took part in the second edition of the "City and Utopia" exhibition, which became necessary to expand the themes just touched upon in the first. The setting was the same: putting together a mix of painting, photography, architecture, comics, cinema, contaminating the various arts, trying to create a short circuit between reality and utopia.

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