All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Sister Maria Letizia, the new director of the House of Prayer in San Biagio, received a copy of the book “Nostro Mare Nostro” by President Michele Capasso.

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As in recent years, the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in this year’s event to promote legality with important personalities including representatives from the public administration and other associations, as well as private individuals. These men and women dedicate their working lives to “normality”, which can be asserted through the culture of legality and public safety. The Award for Literature went to Giuseppe Ayala, the Award for Voluntary Service to Raffaellina Ottaviano (President of the Associazione Ercolano per la legalità), the Award for Voluntary Service to Federico Cafiero de Raho (Procuratore Aggiunto - Coordinatore DDA) and the Special Award for Young Reporters to Radio Siani (Web radio for legality).



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In accordance with the express wishes of the family of journalist Mika Yamamoto - who was barbarously killed in Aleppo – the Japanese Ambassador to Italy received the Mediterranean Award on behalf of her family at a ceremony on 3 September in Naples.

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, handed over this prestigious acknowledgement to Minister Hoshiyama Takashi who expressed his gratitude as receiving such an outstanding honour on behalf of the family.


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