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President Michele Capasso –and Michael Dobbs, Franco Pomilio, Marco Boscolo, Pier Luigi d’Agata, Dimitrios Pandermalis, Roberto Pisoni, Fedora Filippi and other participants– is spokeperson at INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION SUMMIT, held in Rome and which has as theme “ Storytelling. European challenge of heritage communication”.
In this occasion president Capasso talked about Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean and stressed particularly the concepts of “truth” and “humanity” in the communication., hoping a return to the five senses. “We need to touch with our eyes”.

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During a meeting between the President of Athens Acropolis Museum professor Dimitrios Pandermalis and president Michele Capasso it has been decided to realize at MAMT museum a multimedia space in which host video, finds and objects from Acropolis Museum. “An important opportunity of cooperation between these two countries” declared prof. Pandermalis.

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During a meeting between archaeologist Fedora Filippi – Special Superintendent for Archaeological Treasures of Rome –and president Michele Capasso it has been decided to install at MAMT museum a multimedia space on Domus Aurea”, in order to spread the importance of the work site and evolution of this extraordinary archaeological site.

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President Michele Capasso – on invitation of the Ambassador of Oman Sultanate in Italy S.E. Ahmed Salim Mohammed Baomar –joined to the celebrations for the National holiday of Oman Sultanate. Joined Moroccan Ambassador Hassan Abouyoub, the Tunisian one Naceur Mestiri, Parliamentary Minister Enrico Granara, l’Ambassador Antonio Badini and other friends of Fondazione. In this occasion presidente Capasso recalled the close relationship with the Sultanate and the visit to Oman and to Naples of Ambassador.

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Michael Dobbs – former counselor of Margaret Thatcher and today creator and productor of the well know tv series Hous of Cards as well as prominent figure in the English politic panorama, - addressed by Times “successor of Shakespeare narrative tradition”, during a meeting with Capasso showed his appreciation for the Foundation’s activities and MAMT museum.

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