All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Under the dominion of EU Italian Semester Presidency and ten years of Anna Lindh Foundation, took place the meeting of Alf Boards of Governor. In this occasion the president Michele Capasso opened the headquarters and knowledge of Fondazione Mediterraneo for the hospitality of Alf Consultative Board and a Center for documentation and translation. The ambassadors who joined to the meeting appreciated the events which had been held in Naples and for the first time let gather together all the organs from Anna Lindh Foundation- Consultative Board, Board of Governors, National Networks Leaders –the recipient of the programms, Euromed-media conference with Coommissioner Fule (whom started with the first steps for the next triennium of structurate dialogue)and has hosted important conference as that of president Romano Prodi.
The motions got the approval of ALF and other board members, thanks to the support of Parliamentary Minister Granara – Italian member of Board of Governors – and thanks to a mutual regard between Board’s member.

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During a ceremony held in Mercadante Theatre in Naples – in occasion of EU Italian Presidency Semester, 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and 20° of “Mediterranean Award” –took place the award ceremony of “Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy” to Serge Telle.
Joined to the ceremony ambassadors from 42 Countries, culture and tourism ministry Dario Franceschini, Campania Region culture assessor Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.

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During a ceremony held at Mercadante theatre in Naples – in occasion of UE Italian Presidency Semester, 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and the 20° of “Mediterranean Award” –took place the ceremony for the appointment of “Mediterranean Award for Economy and Business” which has been assigned to Maurizio Marinella, in occasion of the Centenary of the birth of the brand famous all around the world.

Joined to the ceremony ambassadors from 42 Countries, the culture and tourism minister Dario Franceschini, culture assessor of Campania region Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.
In this occasion has been screened the Centenary’s video.
The award has been given by the ambassador Senen Florensa.

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During a cerimony held at Mercadante Theater in Naples – in the occasion of EU Italian Presidency Semester, 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and 20° “Mediterranean Award” –has been held the ceremony for the appointment of “Diplomacy Mediterranean Award” to the Admiral Felicio Angrisano in behalf of Port Authority and from the operation “Mare Nostrum”.
Joined to ceremony ambassadors from 42 countries, culture and tourism minister Dario Franceschini, culture assessor from Campania Region Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.
In this occasion has been screened the video on the “Mare Nostrum” operation.
The award has been assigned by Parliamentary Minister Enrico Granara.

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During a ceremony held at Mercadante Theater in Naples– in occasion of EU Italian Semester Presidency, of 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and the 20° of “Mediterranean Award” –took place the ceremony of appointment of “Economy and Business Mediterranean Award” to Antonio De Martino, owner of “Chalet Ciro a Mergellina”.
Joined to the ceremony ambassadors from 42 Countries, culture and tourism ministry Dario Franceschini, culture assessor from Campania Region Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.

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