All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

In its meeting in Barcelona on 5.12.2014 - the ALF Board of Governors confirmed the nomination of the Member of the French Parliament, Elizabeth Guigou, as President of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Commenting on her appointment, Guigou underlined the importance of supporting civil society and the wider "Mediterranean community" in the region for striving for a common future, and stressed that that the work of the Anna Lindh Foundation was "more essential than ever" in the face of significant regional challenges. She paid a 'special tribute' to President Andre Azoulay, 'who played - she said - a central role in making the Foundation a primary actor in the cooperation across the Mediterranean".

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Unknown thiefs, destroying surveillance systems and access doors, entered in the headquarters of Fondazione and MAMT museum stealing computer and Museums artworks, especially nativity scene’s statues.

“A sad event- declared president Capasso –happened just when Fondazione Mediterraneo had celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary of activities in support of world’s peace and solidarity. We can proudly present a balance rich of concrete results, as the UNESCO recognition to our MAMT museum – Mediterranean Museum of Arts, Music and Traditions, victim of this theft. It is sad to recognize that all we afford to realize, not only thanks our personal dedication and use of personal resources, but,especially, thanks to the help and involvement of many friends from all over the World- whom wanted to share and support our Fondazione and MAMT museum, has been victim of this unreasonable event. We will keep on with new challenges: not only in solidarity field and as help towards unfair victims war but also to support initiatives aimed to valorise the Euro-Mediterranean huge cultural, artistic and immaterial heritage which this museum will host and valorise more than ever.

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“How long time Middle East has to suffer because of peace lack?” From Aksaray, the huge and new presidential palace in Ankara, welcomed by President Erdogan, war’s thunder are difficult to be heard, but Syrian and Iraqi borders are not that far. Francis Pope didn’t miss the occasion and, as soon has He reached the capital, first step of His Turkish trip, pointed out attention on tormented region, since year devastated by wars which seem to be feed by themselves in a endless spiral. In his first official speech in Turkey, the Pope stressed that is not possible to surrender to the prosecution of wars as there is no other possible solution. And launched a new call to start initiatives which can lead to peace. Thanks to an invitation send by Bartolomeo on 19 march 2013, Francis Pope arrived in Turkey on Friday 28 november mostly in order to strengthen the deep relationship between Roma headquarter and Istanbul. But, if the ecumenical part will be the heart of the visit, with the visit at Fenar for the religious holiday of Saint Andreus, the Pope couldn’t forget about the area situation and the particular situation of the country which hosted Him. His travel is in a laic Country with a Muslim majority, country which is a bridge between Europe – which Turkey stares since years waiting to could enter in EU – and Middle East, unstable country since a long time, and now facing with the advance of Islamic State which prosecute, forcing them to run away, several populations, among those are also Christian communities. President Capasso highlighted the importance of this travel and the crucial role of Turkey, already stressed by Fondazione in several occasion, and especially, in occasion of president Erdogan visit in Naples and visit of the Fondazione. “A big emotion the bow to Patriarch Bartolomeo I, hope for coexistence between cultures and religions”, declared Capasso.

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A delegation from Fondazione Mediterraneo joined to Second edition of “HUMAN RIGHTS WORLD FORUM” held in Marrakech, where there is one of the headquarters of Fondazione, based in University Cadi Ayyad.

After Brasil, the Forum has been hosted by Morocco in the aftermath of a long inclusive process.

Joined more than 5.000 participants coming from 94 Countries and gathered to discuss about principal issues and problematic concerning Human Rights and to the obstacles which are still existing in their safeguard and their application: from United Nations to international ONG, from associations to expert from international organs (among them there are also several Nobel Prizes) a huge mobilization had happened and will be remarkable in the safeguard of Human Rights and equality between man and woman.
Workshops, special events, auto organized meeting, mass media characterized an event which had seen 52 thematic forums, 17 special events, 13 internal activities, 13 training ateliers, 32 auto organized activities, 15 cultural events and 1 workshop about the Forum.

“Morocco still discloses to be a leader in the promotion of Human Rights – declared president Michele Capasso –and this event, thanks to the commitment of dear friend Driss El Yazami –it is an important moment will mark the international agenda of the next months, characterized by “Climate Conference” (Paris, 2015), by the Millennium aims and Beijing + 20 for the equality between men and women and for women’s rights. For Morocco is an important occasion to settle itself as a qualified and active partner in the world debate on Human Rights.”

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