All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

In the restored picture of San Biagio Church it is possible to glimpse the figure of Rita Allamprese, wife of president Capasso, passed away in 2008. “A tender presence which warms up our hearts”, declared Suor Maria Pia Giudici.

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Received by Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, Pino Daniele – with his son Alessandro and his partner Amanda visited the Fondazione’s headquarter and MAMT museum, plaused the initiative and appreciated especially the music section. In particular, it has been talked about two projects in progress for a while.

  1. MAMT Museum Music Hall (among the most acoustically perfect) to be dedicated to Pino Daniele: with an interactive multimedia system which reproduces all his songs and concerts beside the contributions of big artists whom had accompanied him it, will be possible to enjoy of a music section unique in its kind. It had been decided the realization time by time of workshops and “thematic” exibitions: between the first topics of a deep study about Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa “ one of the great musicians of all the times” declared Pino.
  2. The organization, every year in Naples, of “CONCERT OF PEACE”, a big musical event which will set aside the world’s big events.

Tender and nice the comment made by Pino about his friend Michele– defined as a “personaggio” – when he is singing “Cammina, cammina…”

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