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The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso showed to the “Ambassadors of Rebirth” the headquarters of MAMT and in particular the Hall dedicated to Don Peppe Diana.
“The MAMT is a place, an emotional heritage of humanity” affirmed the mayor of Casal di Principe Renato Franco Natale.
The guys “Ambassadors of the rebirth” commemorated Don Peppe Diana

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“Walk 100 steps in order to build the social responsibility”.

This is the slogan of the meeting held in Fondazione Mediterraneo with “Ambassadors of Rebirth” of Casale di Principe, along with the mayor Renato Franco Natale and by Alfredo Natale.
“The Ambassadors of Rebirth” will have the duty of being the welcome the tourists and talk with them about local particularities and the challenges won against camorra.
To these 40 guides will given the duty to look after the exhibition “The light wins over the shadow – the Uffizi in Casal di Principe", event which has got the patronage of the Presidency of the Republic and which be held in Caserta city between the 21 of June until the 21 October, in collaboration and under the patronage of Fondazione Mediterraneo and MAMT museum which, in Casale will establish a section of MAMT dedicated to migrants and struggle against mafia.
Michele Capasso showed to the “Ambassadors” the headquarters of MAMT museum and in particular the Hall dedicated to Don Peppe Diana.

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The president Michele Capasso along with the “Ambassadors of Peace” paid homage to the “Totem of Peace with the urn of Unknown Migrant” in the Maritime Station of Naples.
“The Totem of Peace is an universal symbol and Casale di Principe is proud to host in the next few months this important artwork of the artist Molinari: it will be dedicated to Don Peppe Diana and all the victims of mafia”.
The guys of the project “The Ambassadors of the Rebirth” expressed their approval for the artwork and commemorated the migrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean and deposed flowers on the monument.

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