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RIDE –Italian Network for Intercultural Dialogue – joined with an its delegation to the 3° World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, organized by Azerbaijan Government in partnership with members such UNESCO, Council of Europe, Alliances of Civilizations (ONU).
Joined the forum in Baku the honorary president of RIDE Michele Capasso, the Pl. Min. Enrico Granara – cofounder of RIDE in behalf of MAECI -  Sergio Yahe Pallavicini (CO.RE.IS.), Laura Enriello (ISA Academy), Isa Benassi (Halal Italia).
The RIDE members joined the several work sessions bringing their contribution and Italian experience in the sphere of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
The members of Consultative Board Antoine Messarra and Michele Capasso joined the meeting in behalf of Fondazione.

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The 2° World Forum of Ministries of Culture and Tourism took place in Baku and was presented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for Azerbaijian prof. Abulfas Garayev.
Among the topics faced were“Culture and substainable development 2015” and “The Role of Cultural Heritage in International Relations”.
The Italian ambassador in Baku Giampaolo Cutillo and Dott. Emilio Cabasino, General Secretary for the I Office of the Ministery of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism joined the forum as exponents for the italian delegation.
The president Capasso joined the work session.

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In conclusion of the opening session of the “3° World Forum about Intercultural Dialogue” the presentation of the UNESCO published book dedicated to Intercultural Dialogue took place and was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of reconciliation among cultures.
The book, titled “Agree to differ”, was presented by UNESCO General director Irina Bokova, before Ilham Aliyev president of Azeri Republic, the UNESCO ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva – and exponents from partner institutions as ISESCO, AOC, UN World Tourism, Council of Europe.
These ones were awarded with the symbol of the “Forum”.
The president Michele Capasso, praised Aliyeva and General Director for their struggle for the safeguard and promotion of world cultural heritage.

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During a meeting with students from Turkish universities, the President Michele Capasso illustrated the essential role that the Country can act in the peaceful coexistence process between different cultures and faiths.
The two opposites, secularism and fundamentalism, must be softened by a system of values based on the respect for fundamental rights and dignity of the human being.
In particularly, the President Capasso 25 years activity in favour of dialogue and peace got high approval.
The President Capasso highlighted the values called upon by Francis Pope during his visit to Turkey at the end of 2014.

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In occasion of a “Lectio”at Ankara University, the President Michele Capasso highlighted the importance of Turkey as join country between Europe and Asia. Capasso remembered the most important moments of the meeting held in Fondazione Mediterraneo with president Erdoğan along with some ministries of Turkish government. These are topics which are still actual, in particular due to the increase of fundamentalism and terrorism.

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