All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Augusto Montaruli photographes the works of Molinari’s house: a travel through the works of the artist “sculptor of the artist”, his irony, his culture. An exhibition in the evocative structure of Castel Dell’Ovo, which through the photography tells the “travels” in Molinari’s house and the magic which dwells in it. The beauty and the colours. The forms and the words. Copper sculptures, scenographyc artworks, drawings. A travel and a photographic report about Mario Molinari and his Museum House, lead by the several hands which Molinari always loved to draw. The event got the patronage of Culture and Tourism Naples Department and Fondazione Mediterraneo.
With the collaboration of Jacopo Molinari (Mario Molinari’s association) and Massimo Pizzoglio (Dobhran Cultural Association).
Joined the vernissage Pia Molinari, Fara Paolillo, Michele Capasso, Edith di Pace, Antonio Luongo.

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Pope Francis visited the city of Sarajevo as peace messenger. In this occasion he has emphasized the importance of the interreligious dialogue as pillar of peace. “NO MORE WARS, NO MORE DEAD MEN IN SARAJEVO”, these were the words of the Pope. A delegation from the Fondazione Mediterraneo joined the event. The President Capasso has highlighted the aim of Fondazione which was established with the aim to help Ex Yugoslavia and explained the different steps of the personal engagement of different members of the Foundation.

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The Mediterranean Civil Society Forum about climate change will be held on 4 and 5 June in Marseille.
Mediterranean civil society: local authorities, consular & economic chambers, NGO’s, researchers, associations... are gathered to address the challenge of climate change in the Mediterranean area on the occasion of MEDCOP21.
This worldwide civil society forum fits into 2015 Paris Climate Conference - COP21. In the presence of State representatives, the exchanges and debates will contribute to building a real Mediterranean positive agenda in order to reinforce the global efforts made to fight against climate change.
These two days will be built around meetings, round tables & workshops.

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Co-hosted by the Committee of the Regions (CoR), the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Commission (DG DEVCO and DG NEAR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the "Second Southern Neighbourhood Civil Society Forum" will take place in Brussels on 28-29 May 2015.

The Forum is part of a larger initiative launched by the Commission in 2013 to create a mechanism for sustained dialogue between civil society, the EU and authorities – including regional and local authorities – in the Middle East and North Africa region, and the main topics on the agenda of this second edition will be the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy and civil society's role in de-radicalisation efforts. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and Commissioner Johannes Hahn, together with the co-Presidents of ARLEM, will be among the high level speakers addressing the Forum.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo joined the Forum as a sign of the twentyfive years dedicated to the dialogue about Civil Society since the Barcellona Forum of 1995 until that one of Naples 2014.

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The Jury of "Grimaldi Mare Nostrum Award" took place, as usual, in Naples. The international jury, lead by the writer and director Folco Quilici, rewarded the poems about the sea written by Piero Ottone, the compositions of Cesar Urrutia who forecasts the modification of the road transport which will use alternative ways and the sustainable proposals made by Carlo Alessandro Argenzio and Giuseppe Speranza, and rewarded also Rossend Domenech and Alessandro Sansoni which analyzed the geopolitical role of Italy in Mare Nostrum, becoming aware of the necessity of a plan of investments, mostly in the portual sphere.

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