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Immediately after the Neapolitan day for the inauguration of the virtual Salesian Oratory, the Rector Major of the Salesians Don Ángel Fernández Artime, accompanied by Don Václav Klement, councillor for the region of East Asia-Oceania, and by his Secretary, Don Horacio López, embarked on a multi-stage journey with final destination in Dalat.
First Don Á. F. Artime met the Daughters of Maria Ausiliatrice in Tam Ha; he greeted the migrant students of the school and spoke with the religious about the richness of communion in the Salesian Family. Then, after a brief flight, he reached the parish "Maria Ausiliatrice" in Lien Khuong, where he met with more than 500 members of the Salesian Family, in a festive animated encounter with dances, songs and cultural events. Only in the evening did the Rector Major reach the "Don Rua" community in Dalat, where he offered the thought of the Salesian "good night".
On the morning of Friday 24 February, the 10th Successor of Don Bosco had the second meeting with the Salesians. According to Don Á. F. Artime are these are the most important moments of his animation visits, and it can be calculated that in the first 3 years of the sexennium he met face to face already 7,200 Salesians.
There are many ideas offered during the meeting. On the theme of communication, the Rector Major recalled that "the Church in the world needs visibility, and we too, as a Congregation, need to make known the so much good that we do. It is important to give a hand to the action of Providence, but always with great humility ".
He then expressed great appreciation for the charismatic rooting of the Salesians of the province, with the presence of many Salesians Coaddiutors and many missionaries ad gentes.
From a future perspective, he said:"The most dangerous thing is to be satisfied with what has always been done in the past. (....) As Pope Francis repeats, attentive to the temptations of clericalism: grow as Salesians, generous and committed! (....) For the future it is necessary to think about new works in the North and different expressions of the educational mission ".
Finally, a special mention addressed it to the various Salesian parish priests present:"Do not be afraid that your parish may be profoundly Salesian - it is the desire of the Bishops and the Church! (....) Each of the more than 2200 Salesian parishes is entrusted to the Congregation and the local community, not personally to the parish priest. This Community responsibility is a guarantee of Salesian identity.
The Rector Major met about 1200 young people from Salesian works in the area.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo, which was the first observer member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, took part in the work of - and contributed its 20 years’ experience in building peace and dialogue to - the 11th Plenary Session of PAM. Moreover, the idea for PAM began in Naples in the headquarters of the Fondazione itself.

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A meeting was held in the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo – Museum of Peace with the lawyer. Filippo Scianna, director of the Lama TzongKhapa Institute in Pomaia, has been one of the most prestigious Buddhist institutes in Europe for 35 years.
The director Scianna and the participants expressed admiration for the Museum of Peace and for the emotional "atmosphere" that you can breathe in the real paths.

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President Michele Capasso and all the members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo express their deep condolences for the death of Prof. Franco Rizzi, historical secretary general of UNIMED, founder member of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation since 2004 and companion of many battles for dialogue, peace and cooperation between peoples.
On the occasion of the recent death of Predrag Matvejevic', co-founder of our Foundation, Prof. Franco Rizzi had greeted him with this message, taken from a text by Matvejevic, which we share here in memory of our two great Friends:
The sea and shore, the islands in the sea and the ports on the shore, the images that offer us each other change during the trips and during the landing places. The Mediterranean remains the same, but we do not.

By, dear Franco!

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Don Ángel Fernández Artime, Don Bosco's Rector Major of the Salesians - accompanied by Don Horacio Lopez and the Ambassadors to the Holy See of Panama, Miroslava Rosas Vargas, and Guatemala, Alfredo Vàsquez Rivera, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the emotional paths dedicated to "DON BOSCO THE POWER OF LOVE".
To welcome the Rector Major and the guests, the president Michele Capasso, the Hon. Claudio Azzolini and Pia Molinari.
Serena Angioli,
councillor for the Mediterranean, participated in the visit to the European funds and young people of the Campania Region.
The Rector Major expressed his appreciation and thanks, on behalf of Don Bosco, for this unique place that will spread, even more, the message of Don Bosco in the world. Particular emotion was expressed during the itineraries dedicated to Don Peppe Diana, Pino Daniele and Raffaele Capasso.
The Ambassadors of Panama and Guatemala have assured the involvement of their respective countries in peace initiatives to be held with the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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