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On 21 March, the first day of spring, the Museum of Peace - MAMT celebrated with videos, performances and meetings the "Day of Memory and Legality" to commemorate the innocent victims of the mafias, hoping that the awakening of nature will awaken to the desire for truth and social justice.
The Free Association has been celebrating this day since 1996, every year in a different city, reading the names of all innocent victims: from this year, the Museum of Peace - MAMT has been running through 107 large videowalls the names of all victims to NOT DIMENTICATE.
There are widows, children without fathers, mothers and brothers. There are the relatives of the known victims, those whose name immediately evokes a strong emotion. And there are the relatives of the victims whose name says little or nothing. That is why it is a civil duty to remind them all. To always remember that to those names and their families we owe the dignity of Italy as a whole ".
Today, more than ever, there are other victims of illegality, the people who bear the brunt of the daily latrocini perpetrated by a ruling class that at all levels steals and legislates for their own use and consumption, indifferent to the fate of many citizens who live the worst social mortifications, marginalisation, the lack of a present and, above all, the absence of a future.
We must react now if we want to guarantee our children a future worthy of living.

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Don Peppe Diana was remembered 23 years after the barbaric assassination with a series of events in the Museum of Peace - MAMT where there is a permanent section dedicated to him.
Don Peppe Diana was killed by the Camorra on March 19,1994 in his church in Casal di Principe, while he was about to celebrate mass. The murderers did not content themselves with chilling him, they also wanted to burn his body with further shots of gun at the lower abdomen to falsely indicate a sexual motive and thus try to prevent it from becoming the symbol of the ransom of a people harassed by organized crime. A largely successful operation in fact, if it took 21 years for the diocese of Aversa to decide to ask the Holy See to initiate the cause of beatification that must recognize the martyrdom of Don Peppe.
The reasons for which the parish priest of Casal di Principe was killed came to light in the trial that condemned his murders, but only in the second degree and then in the Supreme Court, when the judges overturned the sentence of first degree and ruled against the hypothesis of custody by the parish priest of weapons, a fact that had triggered the mud machine against Don Diana, making the image of a priest close to the people prevail.
According to the reconstruction of Fr Diana, Father Diana refused to celebrate the funeral in church of a criminal, and this gesture was considered too hard to bear.
Three days later the grandson of the dead, in fact, entered the sacristy and fired at the priest.
Don Diana pursued the obstinate defence of his boys exposed to the evil of corruption and delinquency. And the spiritual testament "For the love of my people I will not silence" is a manifesto that commits not to remain silent in the face of "any ambiguous compromise or unjust privilege".

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