All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

After the success of the first Quantic Power® seminars held in Rome, a seminar was held in Naples with the participation of Giohà Giordano.
Quantic Power® is a training technique for those who want to explore and know themselves by reactivating their talents.
This technique proposes to reset the old world, to let go of all beliefs that have weighed down the journey since birth and to start a new life again starting from the material body and the connective that represents the first contact with ourselves.
The Quantic Power® path consists of three levels in the course of which one learns the art of transformation through the Campo dei Quanti, both for oneself and others.
At the end of the seminar, Giohà Giordano launched a message of hope for the city of Naples.

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The inter-network project “Kīmiyya. Women actress of Dialogue” - presented by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the ALF National Network of Malta, France, Tunisia, Algeria, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina - was approved and co-funded by the ALF on 15 June 2017.
As soon as the official communication was received, it was shared with the members of the Italian Network participating in the training seminar on Mediterranean financing opportunities,followed by a brief presentation of the project itself. The members proposed to combinea section of the General Assembly of the Italian ALF Network with this event, so that members could meet colleagues from 42 national networks and share such an important initiative for both women and intercultural dialogue.

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In Naples - as part of the activities of Step 7 of the Italaina ALF Network - the "Seminar on Euro-Mediterranean financing opportunities" organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in collaboration with the association "Open Med" took place.
The speakers were Alaa Ezz, Emanuele Cabras, Daniele Cocco and Michele Capasso.
35 members of the Italian ALF Network participated, who expressed their appreciation for this important initiative on the eve of the launch of numerous European programmes, first and foremost ENI CBC MED.
The Seminar was preceded by a workshop held in Cagliari on 22 May 2017.

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