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Participants in the ODG course visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT accompanied by President Michele Capasso.
On this occasion they expressed their appreciation for this unique initiative aimed at promoting the positive and what unites us.

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Francesco Giorgino - professional journalist, presenter of Tg1 of 20:00, scholar of social sciences and Communication Sociology - accompanied by President Michele Capasso visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT expressing "a thousand emotions for this temple of peace, culture and dialogue".
Dr. Giorgino has acted as an interpreter so that, also through the media, this place can be visited by the greatest number of visitors, especially young people.

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The Foundation with the Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted the training course of the Order of Journalists of Campania with the theme "THE FUTURE FOR NEW FEEDERS, EVOLUTION OF THE DAYNALISTIC PROFESSION, THE IMPACT OF SHARED ECONOMY".
Among the speakers were Massimo Lo Cicero - University Professor, Massimiliano Musto - Director of Kompetere Journal, Massimo Deandrels - General Manager of SRM, Domenico Falco - Vice President O. D. G Campania and Giovanni A. Forte - Sociologist.
In his closing speech, President Michele Capasso announced the next programme "KIMYYA", on the role of women in the media for peace and dialogue, and the awarding of the "Mediterranean Information Award 2017" to Francesco Giorgino and Lucia Goracci.
Capasso stressed the need to give back to information and media a "positive" dimension in order to avoid that the enormous amount of tragic news can definitively affect young people, destroying hope for their future.

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