All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso, Director General for the European Union and Cooperation of the Region of Murcia, accepted the proposal of President Michele Capasso and members of the Scientific Committee of the Museum of Peace - MAMT to create a branch office of the Museum in this region with the construction of the monumental work "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari.
Daria Terràdez Salom, Director General for the European Union of Generalitat Valenciana, called for the involvement of the city of Alicante on the theme of migrants and shared values.
On this occasion, the Foundation's various stages were revisited with the opening, in 2006, of a headquarters in Murcia on interreligious dialogue in cities and the creation of the Euromed Civil Forum in Valencia in 2002.

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INTERMEDITERRANEAN COMMISSION (CIM) of the CPMR (CONFERENCE OF THE MARITIME PERIFERIC REGIONS) has been awarded the "Mediterranean Award for Institutions 2017".
The prize was presented at the IMC General Assembly and shared with President Apostolos Katsipras and presidents and delegates from the 60 participating regions.
President Katsipras said:"This is a moment of great chorality that fills us with pride and responsibility at the same time: we must be proud and know how to deserve this recognition (among the most important with the Nobel Prize) and restore to our Regions the role of catalysts of social justice and solidarity".

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President Michele Capasso, Head of the Italian Network and founder of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) presented the forthcoming activities of the “KĪMIYYA” actions to the participants in the General Assembly of the CIM, which took place in Naples from 11 to 14 September 2017.The General Assembly was heldat the Museum of Peace – MAMT,Center of documentation of the ALF.
The participants expressed their satisfaction for this important action to reaffirm the role of women in the dialogue and peace process.
CIM, CRPM and the main regions of Europe and the Mediterranean have ensured their participation and support for this initiative.

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Luca Palazzo, an expert of the ENI CBC Med Programme Management Authority, assigned for some time to the Sardinia Region, explained the main points of the new programme and the forthcoming calls dedicated to standard projects.
On this occasion he presented the various stages of the programme's presentation in the partner countries held or planned in Nicosia, Athens, Valencia, Malta, Lisbon, Marseilles, Amman, Beirut, Rome, Cairo, Tuisi, Jerusalem and Ramallah.
The aim of these meetings is to provide potential partners with all the information necessary for the submission of project proposals under the first call, which amounts to € 84.6 million. The following points are discussed and examined:

  • Objectives and priorities of the “call”;
  • Participation and eligibility rules;
  • Evaluation criteria for project proposals;
  • Complete the application form and other documents that make up the offer.

By participating in these events, you have the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of programme management structures and national authorities.
In a meeting with President Capasso, the proposal of the Fondazione Mediterraneo to spread the programme with its networks in order to strengthen its participation and promote it in the Museum of Peace - MAMT through video and multimedia communication systems was analyzed.

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The 60 delegates from the European and Mediterranean Regions participating in the IMC (Inter-Mediterranean Commission of the CPMR) welcomed and appreciated the organisation of the General Assembly and the International Seminar in the headquarters of the Mediterranean Foundation and the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
An oasis of knowledge and values ", commented the president of the IMC Apostolos Katsifaras, to which the delegates and representatives of European and international bodies were associated.
The Deputy Mayor of the Campania Region, Serena Angioli, has expressed her appreciation for this collaboration, which strengthens long-standing ties between the Campania Region and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, and will continue to be consolidated in the future.

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