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The award cerimony of the Xth edition of the “Mare Nostrum Award 2017” took place in Rome.
Created by “Grimaldi Magazine” Mare Nostrum Awards is devoted to promoting the Highways of the Sea. The aim is to exploit this unique opportunity of tradings, links and sustainable development for all countries of the Mediterranean. The Mare Nostrum Awards prize amounts, as every year, to EUR 50,000 divided among the top five.
The International Jury of the Award consists of prominent members of journalism and culture.
The President Folco Quilici is supported, among the others, by Vassiliki Armogeni, greek journalist of te magazine Efoplistis, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Diana De Feo, RAI journalist, Mimmo Jodice, photographer, Paul Kyprianou, former President RoRo Carriers Europeans. Secretary of the Prize is Luciano Bosso, journalist and editor of Grimaldi Magazine Mare Nostrum. 
In this occasion the president Capasso present the Museum of Peace – MAMT and the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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Don José Luis Muñoz SDB, director of the ANS - Salesian News Agency, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the paths dedicated to "Don Bosco, the Power of Love" with the "Chapel with the relics of the Saint of the Young".
On this occasion he congratulated himself on the site, which is a pride for all Salesians in the world, and gave President Capasso high definition videos on missionary and Salesian days in Latin America.

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“The Planet First": this inscription stands on the balcony of the Municipality of Barcelona and from here Michele Capasso and Andreu Claret comment on Trump's absurd decision and the need for institutions and bodies of civil society to mobilize to avoid the slow suicide of our planet.
On 5 June 2017, as every year, the World Environment Day is celebrated: this event was conceived in the seventies, when it was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
This is a symbolic date, used as an important occasion to talk about environmental issues, which are too often overshadowed.
Every year there is a theme, which is designed to bring attention to a particular aspect. The 1974 was "Only One Earth"; this year's "Connecting People to Nature".
A "host" country of World Environment Day has also been chosen for some years: this year is Canada, in 2015 it was Italy.

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President Michele Capasso spent a day in the company of Andreu Claret: a great friend with whom he shared thirty years of passion for the Mediterranean, Dialogue and Peace.
On this occasion Claret has dedicated to Capasso his last book "Venjança" (Vendetta) also set in Naples.
It is a historical "yellow" that tells the story of an American who comes across a hypothetical document of Ipazia, (in ancient Greek: Ὑπατία, Hypatía, in Latin: Hypatia; Alexandria of Egypt, 355/370 - Alexandria of Egypt, March 415): it was a mathematics, astronomer and ancient Greek philosopher and representative of the neo-platonic philosophy.
Naples is present with a stage of the thriller that takes place between the National Library and the Hotel Mediterraneo and with many surprises....
A heartfelt thank you to Michele Capasso in the dedication dedicated to the book "for having contributed to the knowledge of the Mediterranean and Naples".

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