All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Today in Rome was proclaimed 7 new saints, including Pope Paul VI, bishop Romero, Vincenzo Romano and Nunzio Sulprizio.
"In particular I was thrilled - said president Capasso - for SAN VINCENZO ROMANO, born and lived in mid-1700 in Torre del Greco - my hometown - distinguished for the altruism and for the help to the victims victims of a tremendous eruption of Vesuvius ".
The Museum of Peace - MAMT will remember them with a special emotional journey.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the international meeting organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and which was attended by speakers from various countries.
There are numerous issues addressed with the aim of giving back to sport an essential role in the process of social cohesion.
The Foundation intervened Giusi Badalamenti who welcomed President Capasso's greetings and presented the Foundation's thirty-year activity and the upcoming World Peace Forum, which will have as its main theme "Sport tool for peace".

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At the Museum of Peace - MAMT was celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the birth of the ACADEMY OF THE MEDITERRANEAN: the prestigious bodies that includes almost one hundred Academies and Institutes of high culture.
Present personalities from the academic, scientific and cultural world of the various Mediterranean countries.
On this occasion the many activities carried out over twenty years have been retraced and the video has been presented by the Academy of the Mediterranean: a resource for peace.

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