All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

A cyclone of rain and wind hit Italy and, especially, Naples and Campania. An event of this magnitude had never been seen before.
Storm surges have caused massive damage and the wind at over 140 km per hour has increased the effect of the storm.
The headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT suffered serious damage.
Especially the archives of newspapers and books of various countries, accounting and projects carried out for almost thirty years have been almost completely submerged by water.
"It will be a huge job to try to recover the recoverable," said President Capasso after having ascertained the extent of the damage on his return from Tunisia.
Thanks to the work of rock climbers and construction workers it was possible to repair the most urgent damages.

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The international committee of the Museum of Peace - MAMT decided to verify the possibility of creating a seat of the Museum of Peace - MAMT – as a reference for the south shore of the Mediterranean - in the Medina of Sousse, UNESCO World Heritage Site.
During timely inspections, president Michele Capasso - accompanied by Anis Boufrika and Faical Labayed - inspected several sites in the Medina of Sousse in order to develop an integrated project to enhance the Medina with the involvement of its inhabitants and managers of the fields of handicraft and hospitality activities.

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On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, many Tunisian exponents have recalled the role of the Foundation since the late eighties.
Faiza Kefi, councilor for the justice of the president of the Parliament, recalled the foundation ceremony of the foundation and the II Euromed Civil Forum and Sonia M'Barek - former minister of culture and Tunisian singer - underlined the importance of music in the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Wassila Ben Achour proposed ancient recipes for the Museum to preserve the memory and traditions.

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