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In the inaugural session of the international conference "MINI INVASIVITY IN PERIODONTOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH IMPLANTOLOGY" the Fondazione Mediterraneo - partner of the conference - projected in high definition the emotional videos of the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Appreciation among participants from all over the world.

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John Hyseni, Erèza Kosumi and Arsenta Syleimani - coming from Pristina (Kosovo) - visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and, in particular, the rooms dedicated to the war in ex-Yugoslavia and in Kosovo.
Greeted by President Capasso, they were excited to see the images of the greatest European tragedy after the Second World War.
At the end of the visit they wanted to thank President Capasso, who, 25 years ago, sold a large part of his assets to save innocent children in Bosnia and Kosovo.

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The Director General of the Generalitat of Catalonia for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Dr. Ramon Sentmartì Castané, visited the Museum MAMT and the Fondazione Mediterraneo and expressing satisfaction for the thirty-year action carried out in favor of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
Catalonia supports the Foundation in the Mediterranean Diet promotion project which will also be part of the program of the POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 call for action 3.3.2, specific objective 3.3.
In particular, Catalonia, partner of the Campania Region in the MD-Net project, will collaborate for the creation of the emotional video on the Mediterranean Diet and on the emblematic areas to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: among these the Cilento.

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The training session of the international conference "MINI INVASIVITY IN PERIODONTOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH IMPLANTOLOGY" took place at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. The Fondazione Mediterraneo - partner of the conference - welcomed the participants and projected in high definition the emotional videos of the Museum of Peace - MAMT leading guests from various countries of the world on a visit to the Museum.

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